
哥特妆用英语怎么说 哥特妆的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-06-10 21:04:48作者:在乎你


1. - Good morning, Comrade Gottman.

2. Among the most powerful were a Germanic people known as Goths who were composed of o tbal gups, the Visigoths and Ostgoths.

哥特妆用英语怎么说 哥特妆的英语翻译

译文:其中最强大势力是一伙德国人——哥特, 他们由两个部落构成: 东哥特人, 西哥特人。

3. - The Ghota is not defenseless.

4. Oginally the Goths were located in...

5. The Goths were located oginally...

6. Run up and draw him a bath. Quick, Gert.

7. What did you do? you put some make up on?

8. - So Ghotas can, uh, think?

9. To be the world leader in color coeti is interco's corporate vision.

10. {\pos(192,220)}What's goth food?

