
wrists是什么意思 wrists的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-30 10:03:50作者:南巷浅唱


1. Wsts like little branches.

2. You're learning about wsts?

wrists是什么意思 wrists的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. - Now, the power is in the wsts.

4. After seeing their mother slit her wsts?

翻译:看过他们割腕之后么 After seeing their mother slit her wsts。

5. Use yo wsts and hit it softly

6. i'm gonna break yo wsts!

7. The infection of the wsts pves she was chained.

8. Meets "i want to slit my wsts,

9. Ho much can yo wsts bear?

10. - Easy on my wsts, please.

11. Then set them to amputate the wsts.

12. What's that on her wsts?

13. And massage her wsts and ankles

14. i just need to see their wsts.

翻译:我只需要查看她们手腕 I just need to see their wsts.。

15. They had these bandages on their wsts.


