
kindness是什么意思 kindness的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-01 13:00:46作者:烈酒烧心

kindness是什么意思 kindness的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 文化上的意义:善良、友善和仁慈是大多数文化的重要价值观。在许多文化中,人们被鼓励表现出友善的行为以帮助他人,尤其是那些需要帮助的人。这种文化价值观也反映在很多中,如教、和教等。


- Kindness is highly valued in our society.

- We should always strive to show kindness to others, regardless of our differences.

- The practice of kindness is an important part of many religious traditions.

2. 个人发展的意义:如果我们学会向他人表现出友善和仁慈的行为,我们将会得到更多的回报和支持。这种行为也有助于建立我们的社交网络,增加我们的人际关系和人际交往技能,从而促进我们的个人成长和成功。


- Showing kindness to others can help us build stronger relationships and networks.

- Kindness is an important part of developing empathy and emotional intelligence.

- By practicing kindness, we can become better people and make a positive difference in the world.

3. 社会意义:在当今的社会中,善良、友善和仁慈的行为尤其重要,因为它们可以帮助我们建立更加和谐的社会环境。如果我们每个人都能向他人表现出善意和关爱,我们就可以创造一个更加美好的世界。


- Kindness is essential for building a more compionate and just society.

- By showing kindness to others, we can help promote positive change in our communities.

- It is our duty to practice kindness and empathy towards others, in order to create a better world for all.


- 善良在我们的社会中非常受重视。

- 我们应该始终努力向他人表现出友善的行为,无论我们之间有何不同。

- 善良的实践是许多传统中的重要组成部分。

- 向他人表现出友善和仁慈的行为可以帮助我们建立更强大的人际关系和网络。

- 通过实践善良,我们可以变得更好,对世界产生积极的影响。

- 善良、友善和仁慈的行为对于建立更加富有同情心和公正的社会非常重要。

- 通过向他人表现出善意和关爱,我们可以帮助促进社区的积极变化。

- 我们的责任是向他人实践善良和同情心,以创造更美好的世界。




1. Kindness is a language that everyone can understand.


2. I was touched by his kindness towards the homeless man.


3. She chose to show kindness even to those who had wronged her.





例句:You will be recompensed for your kindness. (你的好意将会得到回报。)


例句:But kindness wasn't what Bissell needed. (但比斯尔所需要的并不是好意。)


例句:With loving kindness, with patience, with openness? (是不是能够通过耐心地培养友善的心态,开放胸襟,来改变心性呢?)


例句:And finally, random acts of kindness are conscious acts of kindness. (翻译:当人们打开收件箱时, 我们让他们写一封积极的邮件 )


kindness一般作为名词、感叹词使用,如在kindness of(敬托)、embodiment of kindness(仁慈的化身)、kill with kindness(以溺爱害人;用过分的好意使不知所措)等常见短语中出现较多。

kindness of敬托
embodiment of kindness仁慈的化身
kill with kindness以溺爱害人;用过分的好意使不知所措
loving kindnessna. 慈爱\n[网络] 慈心;爱上仁慈;四无量心之一
out of kindness出于好意
without kindness不友好地,无情地


1. With loving kindness, with patience, with openness? (翻译:是不是能够通过耐心地培养友善的心态,开放胸襟,来改变心性呢?)

2. And finally, random acts of kindness are conscious acts of kindness. (翻译:当人们打开收件箱时, 我们让他们写一封积极的邮件 )

3. Then said David, I will shew kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father shewed kindness unto me. (翻译:大卫说,我要照哈嫩的父亲拿辖厚待我的恩典厚待哈嫩。)

4. But Rafidah's kindness proved to be the pattern for that year. (翻译:但 Rafidah 的善良,成了那xx年的常规 )

5. They deserve the kindness of a lie. (翻译:他们女儿被了 他们值得一个善意的谎言)

6. Yeah, you're killing them with kindness. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}是的 你会好心的杀死它们的)

7. - Out of the kindness of her heart? (翻译:-善心大发了吧 -没错 - Out of the kindness of her heart.)

8. I will take your kindness, and pay it forward. (翻译:I will take your kindness, and pay it forward. 我感谢你的付出,谢谢你。)

9. ...Let's kill them with kindness, shall we? (翻译:因为聪明的总统会想偷任何人的好主意 我们用仁慈干掉他们吧)

10. And now the LORD shew kindness and truth unto you: and I also will requite you this kindness, because ye have done this thing. (翻译:你们既行了这事,愿以慈爱诚实待你们,我也要为此厚待你们。)

11. And his basic value was respect, was kindness toward strangers. (翻译:他的基本理念得到了尊重, 对陌生人友好。)

12. Kindness, curiosity, empathy, a sense of purpose. (翻译:善良、有好奇心、同理心, 还要心怀大志。)

13. How he was treated by her with kindness and even affection. (翻译:这位妇女是如何充满善意、 甚至满怀深情地对待他。)

14. Lady Mary, I am here in kindness. (翻译:玛莉女士 我怀着善意而来 Lady Mary,I am here in kindness.)

15. A man such as yourself cannot allow kindness and empathy to cloud his vision. (翻译:像你这样的人 A man such as yourself 不会允许宽容和同情之心阻碍你实现你的抱负 cannot allow kindness and empathy to cloud his vision.)



