
widowed是什么意思 widowed的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-25 01:20:46作者:傲气

widowed是什么意思 widowed的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词源和词义


2. 意义扩展

除了表示配偶已故的状态外,'widowed'这个词也可以用来表示其他事物的“失去”。例如,“widowed land”指失去了树木、水源等自然资源的土地。

3. 句式用法

'Widowed'通常作为形容词,在句子中用来修饰某个名词,表示该名词已经失去了配偶。例如,“She was a widowed mother of four”(她是四个孩子的寡妇母亲)。

4. 同义词和反义词

'Widowed'的同义词包括:bereaved, grieving, mourning。反义词则是married或者single。

5. 相关词汇

与'widowed'相关的词汇包括:widow's pension(寡妇抚恤金)、widower's allowance(鳏夫津贴)、widow's peak(寡妇峰)等。


1. My grandmother became widowed when my grandfather died in a car accident.(当我祖父在一次车祸中去世时,我的祖母成了寡妇。)

2. She is currently living alone in her widowed state.(她目前是一位寡妇,独自居住。)

3. The widowed father had a difficult time raising his children alone.(这位寡居的父亲独自抚养孩子,过得很艰难。)

4. The widowed woman found comfort in her church community.(这位寡妇女子在她的教堂群体中寻找到了安慰。)

5. Widowed women are often at higher risk for poverty and social isolation.(寡妇妇女往往更容易陷入贫困和社会孤立。)




1. She was widowed when she was just 30 years old. (她xx岁时就变成了寡妇。)

2. He had lived alone since he was widowed 10 years ago. (他自从xx年前成为寡夫后就一直独居。)

3. Widowed women often face financial difficulties. (寡妇经常面临财务困难。)




例句:about widowed women and womanless men and that you would like to ask her a few questions. (关于丧偶妇女和男子womanless 而且你要问她一些问题。)


例句:If someone's a widower, why is he widowed and not widowered? (若有人丧妻 为何称他鳏夫? 而不直接称丧妻人)


例句:I frequently met the widowed lady at different social gatherings, and when after dinner, she would ask me to sing that Bhaga. (我经常在各种交际场合中碰到这位寡妇,在晚宴之后,她会让我唱这首《Bhaga》。)


例句:You were widowed at Poltava. A widow's veil was your gift, too. (翻译:你是波尔塔瓦的寡妇 寡妇面纱将是你的礼物)


widowed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在widowed rate(丧偶率)等常见短语中出现较多。

widowed rate丧偶率


1. I frequently met the widowed lady at different social gatherings, and when after dinner, she would ask me to sing that Bhaga. (翻译:我经常在各种交际场合中碰到这位寡妇,在晚宴之后,她会让我唱这首《Bhaga》。)

2. You were widowed at Poltava. A widow's veil was your gift, too. (翻译:你是波尔塔瓦的寡妇 寡妇面纱将是你的礼物)

3. Ellen sterns cort was recently widowed. (翻译:Ellen Sterns Cort最近丧偶 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}Ellen Sterns Cort was recently widowed.)

4. But with the help of the now widowed Grazia, Christophe spent ten fruitful years in Switzerland. (翻译:但是在当时已经孀居的葛拉齐亚的帮助下,克利斯朵夫在瑞士度过了xx年硕果累累的生活。)

5. ♪ His widowed bride met your daddy ♪ (翻译:♪ His widowed bride met your daddy ♪ 他的遗孀遇见了你的爸爸)

6. She was widowed when she was 35. (翻译:她xx岁时就守了寡。)

7. You were widowed at Poltava. Widows' veils were your gifts. (翻译:你是波尔塔瓦的寡妇 寡妇面纱将是你的礼物)

8. But no... after being widowed, he married Lady Ubalda... (翻译:不是的... 鳏居后 他新娶了尤芭妲夫人)

9. Kalemie Katanga - If there is anyone as vulnerable as a 15-month-old baby, it is her widowed mother. (翻译:加丹加省卡莱米-如果有任何人像15个月大的婴儿那样脆弱的话,这个人就是她守寡的母亲。)

10. You were widowed at Poltava. A widow's veil was your gift. (翻译:你是波尔塔瓦的寡妇 寡妇面纱将是你的礼物)

11. Dr. Schultz, this attractive Southern belle is my widowed sister. (翻译:史医生,这位迷人的南方美女 是我守寡的姊姊)

12. His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled from South Africa. (翻译:他的第二任妻子希拉里曾一度孀居,之后被逐出南非。)

13. My aunt, an incredibly articulate and brilliant woman, was widowed early. (翻译:我的阿姨,一位非常口齿伶俐 非常美丽的女士, 早年丧夫。)

14. Professor of political science at uva. Widowed mother of casey, age 10. (翻译:弗吉尼亚大学学教授 丧夫育有一女 Casey xx岁)

15. I am a widowed lady from Oxfordshire. (翻译:只篡改你需要保密的细节 我来自牛津郡 已丧偶)



