
opposites是什么意思 opposites的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-11 16:08:39作者:何必呢!

1. 定义:'opposites'是指两个事物或概念在某些方面完全相反的特征;可以是形容词、名词或动词的反义词,并且在语言学、逻辑学以及数学中都有应用。

opposites是什么意思 opposites的中文翻译、读音、例句

例如:black/white, up/down, hot/cold, happy/sad, love/hate

2. 语言学:'opposites'在语言学中是指一对单词或短语,它们的意思是相反的。这种对立经常被用作英语词汇的基础,尤其是在课程中对孩子们的教授中。

例如:big/small, good/bad, tall/short, rich/r, long/short

3. 逻辑学:'opposites'在逻辑学中用于描述一对概念或命题,经常被用来建立一个对立群体。例如,在哲学中,存在与不存在是一对互相对立的概念,而在计算机科学中,真与假也是一对互相对立的概念。

例如:true/false, on/off, yes/no, male/female, light/dark

4. 数学:'opposites'在数学中用来表示一个数的相反数。相当于一个数乘以-1,得到的结果就是这个数的相反数。

例如:2/-2, 5/-5, 7/-7, 10/-10, 20/-20


1. The opposite of hot is cold. (热的相反词是冷的。)

2. The opposite of love is hate. (爱的反义词是恨。)

3. The opposite of rich is r. (富的反义词是穷。)

4. The opposite of tall is short. (高的反义词是矮的。)

5. The opposite of black is white. (黑的反义词是白的。)




1. Love and hate are opposites.


2. The weather is quite the opposite of what was forecasted.


3. The two brothers are complete opposites; one is outgoing and the other is introverted.





例句:He went on standing against the rail; watching her, as she was taken to the opposites bank of the river in a little boat. (他继续站在铁轨的旁边,看着对面河岸边上她的小船。)


例句:Similarly conflict between opposites only blunts the Mind-heart and it is this dullness that prevents the understanding of the problem. (在对立面之间类似的冲突只是削弱了理智和心灵,而正是这种迟钝阻碍了对问题的理解。)


例句:I can't reconcile the contradiction, 除了我开始相信这两面 不会相互抵消。)


例句:When mankind had just split out of animals, which had been the relationship between the unity of opposites at the primary state. (翻译:当人类刚从动物分化出来,这种对立统一关系就已处于初级的状态。)


opposites一般作为名词使用,如在opposites attract(反向吸引\n异性相吸)、polar opposites([网络] 地动天摇;对立;对立的两端)、unity of opposites(对立统一)等常见短语中出现较多。

opposites attract反向吸引\n异性相吸
polar opposites[网络] 地动天摇;对立;对立的两端
unity of opposites对立统一


1. I can't reconcile the contradiction, except that I am beginning to believe that these opposites do not cancel each other out. (翻译, 除了我开始相信这两面 不会相互抵消。)

2. When mankind had just split out of animals, which had been the relationship between the unity of opposites at the primary state. (翻译:当人类刚从动物分化出来,这种对立统一关系就已处于初级的状态。)

3. Which must surely have to do with the energy created by the friction of opposites. (翻译:这显然跟对立面之间的对抗 所摩擦出的巨大能量有关)

4. The relation that exists when opposites cannot coexist. (翻译:对立面不能共存的关系。)

5. Is the text using opposites or oxymorons, or hyponyms and superordinates in a playful or unusual way? (翻译:文章是否以一种有趣的或不同寻常的方式运用了对立物、矛盾修饰法或上下位关系? )

6. In the other two cases, opposites attract. (翻译:而其他两种情况则完全相反 对立性才有吸引力 )

7. Right and wrong are opposites. (翻译:对与错是对立的。)

8. The income skews are even more distinct, essentially polar opposites of each other. (翻译:在收入方面倾斜更加明显,基本上是对立的两极。)

9. We're such polar opposites, but we are equally nutty, and that's what keeps us connected. (翻译:他法国人的特点太浓了 我都忘了他是加拿大人 - 好吧 - 重点是 Dre)

10. It's a big world, and with Venus in your zone of travel and multi-culti relationships, you're a walking example of the "opposites attract" principle. (翻译:这是一个大的领域,金星在你关于旅行和多重关系的区域停留。你就是一个活生生“异性相吸”的例子。)

11. It's not just a rule in physics. There's a strong cultural expression: opposites attract. (翻译:这并不仅仅是一条物理规律,还有其深厚的文化表述:异性相吸。)

12. True, but you know what they say about opposites. (翻译:是啊 关于性格相反的人 你知道人们是怎么说的吧 True, but you know what they say about opposites.)

13. Three, the triad, the synthesis of opposites. (翻译:第三个,三角 对立面的综合 战争之后的平静)

14. Headline: [Women in miniskirt attacked at taxi rank] How do I comment on such polar opposites? (翻译:标题: 【穿着迷你裙的女性 在出租车站遭遇袭击】 我应该对这种事情做何评价呢? )

15. female syzygy is only one among the possible pairs of opposites, albeit the most important one in practice and the commonest. (翻译:男性女性会合只是相反配对中的一个,虽然这是最重要也是最常见的一个。)



