
yr是什么意思 yr的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-11 15:20:33作者:过去式

1. 词义:Yr 是年份的缩写,表示某个年份。它通常用于表示在古老的文本或博客中。

2. 词性:缩写。

yr是什么意思 yr的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:没有特别固定的词组搭配。

4. 短语:没有特别固定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:[war]


1. I wrote this post back in ‘08, and this was the last time I updated it (in early ‘15)!


2. Yr account will be locked in the next 24 hours if you don't make any further attempt to login.


3. The company was founded in 2016, as it says in the footer of the website: Copyright 2016-2018 Yr Company Name.

公司成立于xx年,正如网站底部所述:版权所有2016-2018 Yr公司名称。

4. The musician's third al was released in '14 and immediately topped the charts.


5. Yr latest tweet made me laugh so hard, keep up the good work!


yr的中文翻译为“年”。读音为/wa r/。例句:“xx年是一个新的开始,希望我们能够做得更好。”(The year 2022 is a new beginning, and I hope we can do better.)




例句:We will absorb this cost by ourself on this order. Future orders wl charge back all the color standard fee, pls nte and mark yr record. (我们将自己承担这笔订单的费用,在以后的合作中,我们将收回所有的色彩标准费,请知会并切记。)


例句:YR: Okay, up to 3,000 meters, it's not such a big problem with oxygen. (YR: 是的,到3000米 氧气不是大问题 )


例句:my dear frds and fans~ I wont be loggin in as i wanna focus on my production to make 2009 a better yr and of course a better yida (我亲爱的frds和球迷〜我的习惯是loggin我要专注于我的生产,使xx年的一个更好的正,当然更达,)


yr一般作为名词使用,如在YR([计] 年\n[经] 年)、yr.(abbr. year 年)、Yr.B.(abbr. (=year book))等常见短语中出现较多。

YR[计] 年\n[经] 年
yr.abbr. year 年
Yr.B.abbr. (=year book)


1. my dear frds and fans~ I wont be loggin in as i wanna focus on my production to make 2009 a better yr and of course a better yida (翻译:我亲爱的frds和球迷〜我的习惯是loggin我要专注于我的生产,使xx年的一个更好的正,当然更达,)

2. YR: Yeah. I did try in the clouds, but you lose orientation completely. (翻译:YR: 是的。我在云层里尝试 但是完全失去了方向。)

3. YR: Yes, with the final goal to take off, but with initial speed. (翻译:YR: 是的,最终的目标是要起飞 但是初始速度是那样的。)

4. Their imaginations are quite something for 2 yr. olds. (翻译:他们的想像力对于xx岁的孩子而言真是了不起的东西。)

5. I'll tell you someting else, lad. I'm definitely not taking orders off no 14 yr old. (翻译:而且是不是一个xx岁的男孩 这将使我的订单。)

6. YR: Okay, up to 3,000 meters, it's not such a big problem with oxygen. (翻译:YR: 是的,到3000米 氧气不是大问题)

7. YR: Yeah. I did try in [the] clouds, but you lose [orientation completely]. (翻译:YR: 是的。我在云层里尝试 但是完全失去了方向。)

8. YR: This phrase is now etched into my mind clearer than the pin number to my bank card, so I can pretend I speak Chinese fluently. (翻译:宇玉:这句话现在深深地刻在我脑海里 甚至比我的密码还清晰 所以我假装自己会说流利的中文 )

9. The incidences of this lesion in the 2-yr studies were dose related for all studies except for the mice receiving THPS. (翻译:除了被给予THPS的小鼠外,两年研究中这种损伤案例与所有的研究都有关系。)

10. OLD MAN BEATING - Deckard Cain wails on his enemies with the strength of a 100yr old man. (翻译:老人的击打-凯恩以xx岁老人的力量向敌人发出悲叹。)

11. Bolton and ther band of bullies have placed high with Sam in recent years, I CNT see them doing anything like that next yr, and maybe even Lipping into the relegation battle. (翻译:虽然博尔顿和有带欺负放在高与山姆近年来,我CNT的看到他们做一样的是,明年里亚尔,甚至下滑到降级的战斗。)

12. Re : Dlvry, Pls ifm yr best dlvry time. (翻译:关于交货期,请告知你方最佳交货时间。)

13. Whenever a gal ask a guy: "What do u wish to have this yr as ur bday present? " (翻译:每当女人问男人:“今年生想收到什么礼物?”)

14. YR: It was about 20 years ago, when I discovered free falling. (翻译:YR: 那是xx年前 我发现了自由降落 )

15. All results indicate that YR-Electromagnetic flow velocimeter can be pratically used to measure flow velocity in Yellow River. (翻译:试用表明,YR电磁流速仪在黄河上测流是可信的。)



