
drone是什么意思 drone的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:28:32作者:幻轩

drone是什么意思 drone的中文翻译、读音、例句



- The military uses drones for reconnaissance and airstrikes.

- A drone bee's only purpose is to mate with the queen.

- The drone hovered above the construction site, capturing footage of the progress.

- The farmer used a drone to survey his crops and identify areas in need of attention.

- The government is considering using drones to deliver medical supplies to remote areas.



- The drone is equipped with a high-resolution camera for surveillance purposes.

- The pilot uses a remote control to maneuver the drone through the air.

- Search and rescue teams rely on drones to find missing hikers and campers.

- The military uses drones to carry out targeted inations in conflict zones.

- Drones can be programmed to fly specific routes and perform tasks without human intervention.



- The FAA has strict regulations in place to ensure the safe operation of drones.

- Pilots are trained to avoid flying drones in restricted airspace, such as near airports or military bases.

- Drones are equipped with sensors that help prevent collisions with obstacles.

- The military has developed advanced technology to detect and destroy enemy drones in combat zones.

- The drone operator is responsible for ensuring the safety of people and property in the vicinity of the drone's flight path.



- Drones are being used to monitor crop health and improve yields in agriculture.

- Construction companies use drones to survey job sites and create 3D models of buildings.

- Delivery companies are exploring the use of drones to transport packages and reduce delivery times.

- Energy companies use drones to inspect power lines and wind turbines, saving time and reducing costs.

- Drones are increasingly being used for filming and photography, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods.


1. drone是英国的词语,翻译为“无人机”。

2. drone是一种能够自主飞行或被遥控飞行的无人飞行器,通常用于拍摄、监视、探测或战争等领域。

3. 英国最近宣布修订无人机法规,以应对日益增加的无人机安全威胁。

4. 无人机的研发和生产已成为世界范围内的热门行业之一。

5. 无人机被广泛用于空中拍摄、搜救、农业、消防和军事等领域。

6. 无人机的使用正面临着一系列的挑战和安全风险,因此需要加强监管和规范。

7. 今年夏天,一架无人机在伦敦机场附近飞行,导致该机场关闭了一段时间,引发了安全担忧。

8. 许多国家正在采取措施限制无人机的使用,以保障公共安全和个人隐私。

9. 随着技术的不断发展,无人机已经成为未来空中交通的重要组成部分。




1. The military used drones to gather intelligence and conduct air strikes. (军方使用无人机来收集情报并进行空袭。)

2. He spent the afternoon flying his drone and taking aerial photos. (他花了一个下午的时间飞行他的无人机,并拍摄了空中照片。)

3. Amazon is testing the use of drones for package delivery. (亚马逊正在测试使用无人机进行包裹配送。)




例句:Have any activity on the drone? (我们那无人机有没有激活迹象 Have any activity on the drone?)


例句:It helps the drone to give coffee. (它帮助无人机送咖啡。)


例句:The drone of intrusiveness has crashed. (无人侦察机撞毁了 The drone of intrusiveness has crashed.)


例句:-Oh, it tended to drone on and on, dear (翻译:-我可没提这个 -哦,就感觉在嗡嗡作响,亲爱的)


drone一般作为名词、动词使用,如在drone on(唠唠叨叨地说下去)、drone aircraft(遥控无人驾驶飞机)、drone airship([航] 远距离无人驾驶飞艇)等常见短语中出现较多。

drone on唠唠叨叨地说下去
drone aircraft遥控无人驾驶飞机
drone airship[航] 远距离无人驾驶飞艇
drone away闲混
drone b单调低音;持续低音
drone cell雄室
drone cone[电] 单调低音锥面
drone connector印刷板插头座
drone destroying消灭雄蜂
drone fly[医] 蜂蝇


1. The drone of intrusiveness has crashed. (翻译:无人侦察机撞毁了 The drone of intrusiveness has crashed.)

2. -Oh, it tended to drone on and on, dear (翻译:-我可没提这个 -哦,就感觉在嗡嗡作响,亲爱的)

3. In minutes, a drone will do tasks for you. (翻译:几分钟后,无人机就会为你完成任务。)

4. And this is it; this is the first ever picture of orangutan nests taken with a drone. (翻译:这就是那张照片,第一张用无人机拍摄的 红毛猩猩巢穴的照片。)

5. Has there ever been a British-led drone attack on a city? (翻译:历史上曾经有过 一艘由英国驾驶的无人机袭击一个)

6. Jim Blackman's drone-manufacturing company. (翻译:JFP ... Jim Blackman礚诀籹硑そ)

7. According to the Taliban, the attack was in retaliation for drone strikes in the northwest part of the country. (翻译:美国公民死亡达40人 According to the Taliban, 发言人称 the attack was in retaliation for drone strikes 本次袭击旨在报复)

8. And, frankly, the drone network was designed to avoid exactly that scenario. (翻译:说实话 无人机网络的设计目的 就是避免这种情况)

9. But I did pull this off a selfie drone. (翻译:从无人拍摄机上调出了这个画面 But I did pull this off a selfie drone.)

10. Sir, someone just double tapped our drone. (翻译:Sir, someone just double tapped our drone. 长官, 有人把我们的无人机碾了)

11. The minister's voice was a relentless drone. (翻译:该大臣的声音是无休止的絮叨。)

12. That drone has four Hellfire missiles on it. (翻译:- 说吧 那艘无人机搭载了四枚地狱火)

13. This is a complete outrage to drone owners everywhere! (翻译:这对各地的无人机机主来说 完全是一次)

14. Didn't Nell say that the drone was made of carbon fiber? (翻译:嗯 Nell是不是说无人机是用碳纤维做的?)

15. Sit. God. Drone gets super obedient when food is around. (翻译:坐下 老天 有吃的的时候 Drone超听话)



