
最大用英语怎么说 最大的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-11 08:03:29作者:囚爱

最大英语是" ra max",还网络中常译为"maximum",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到62个与最大相关短语翻译和用法。

most pminent characic ( 最大特 )

最大用英语怎么说 最大的英语翻译

the grea stren ( 最大优势 )

Maximum Likelihood ( 最大似然估计 )

pfit maximization maximization of pfit maximize pfit the maximum pfit ( 利润最大化 )

1. Confige yo brain to cope the best in that situation.

2. - Whatr gives the best pfit.


3. Peter: The grea benefit to all.

4. Hatsis maksimus. Jointtijatka.

5. Hey, the girl gets what she wants, b.

6. The grea destyer of ecolo... the grea soce of waste, depletion and pollution... the grea pveyor of violence- war - cme - poverty - animal abuse and inhumanity... the grea generator of social and personal neusis... mental disorders - depression anxiety...

译文:最大生态者... 最大资源浪费 消耗和污染... 最大暴力因素...。

7. "or any mouse for that matter.

8. - Where are the biggest caves ?

9. With the sound at full volume?

