
cashier是什么意思 cashier的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-04 14:30:26作者:嗝叽

cashier是什么意思 cashier的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:'cashier'是一个名词,指的是一位收银员,主要工作是在商店、超市、餐厅等场所收取顾客的付款并生成销售票据。

2. 词性:'cashier'是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:'cashier'经常在商店、超市、餐厅、银行等场所工作。

4. 词组搭配:

- "head cashier":首席收银员

- "cashier's check":银行本票

- "cashier's office":收银员办公室

- "cashier's drawer":收银员抽屉

5. 相关短语:

- "cashier machine":收银机

- "cashier counter":收银台

- "cashier system":收银系统

- "cashier training":收银培训

6. 发音拼写:'cashier'的发音为/kir/,拼写为c-a-s-h-i-e-r。





1. The cashier was counting the money in the cash register.(收银员正在清点收银机里的钱。)

2. The cashier gave me the wrong change.(收银员给了我错的找零。)

3. He works as a cashier in a supermarket.(他在超市当收银员。)




例句:And nowhere with bullet-resistant acrylic to shield the cashier. (-resistant acrylic to shield the cashier.)


例句:Unless it's a writer or an artist, you know, catch you in bed with a cashier... (不管是作家还是艺术家, 看到你跟你一个收银员在床上...)


例句:Hilary Waldare works here, as a cashier! (Hilary Waldare在这儿当收银员!)


例句:He designed the robot as the cashier, and the head moves, and I did the rest of it. (翻译:他设计了这个头可以动的机器人当做收银员 其他的是我做的 )


cashier一般作为名词、动词使用,如在general cashier([经] 总出纳, 出纳主任)、payroll cashier([经] 工资出清员)、petty cashier(零用金出纳员)等常见短语中出现较多。

general cashier[经] 总出纳, 出纳主任
payroll cashier[经] 工资出清员
petty cashier零用金出纳员
receiving cashier收款员
the cashier's[网络] 收银处


1. Hilary Waldare works here, as a cashier! (翻译:Hilary Waldare在这儿当收银员!)

2. He designed the robot as the cashier, and the head moves, and I did the rest of it. (翻译:他设计了这个头可以动的机器人当做收银员 其他的是我做的 )

3. He designed the robot as the cashier, and the head moves, and I did the rest of it. (翻译:他设计了这个头可以动的机器人当做收银员 其他的是我做的)

4. I have to deliver leaflets, filling up the rack, taking care of the cashier and do the promotion. (翻译:下楼呀、派卡片那个又是我 搬货入货那个都是我呀 看铺收钱又是我)

5. Cashier was found guilty of peculation and removed from his post. (翻译:出纳员被发现犯了盗用罪便被解除了职务。)

6. Good morning, Front Office Cashier's, can Ihelp you? (翻译:早上好,前厅收银,我能帮您忙吗? )

7. I was so nervous that when the cashier asked me for my money, I dropped it. (翻译:我非常紧张,结果收银员问我要钱时 我把钱掉在地上了)

8. It's the captain they want, not some cashier at a car wash. (翻译:他们只想抓到头目 不是某个洗车房的收银员)

9. The cashier fell asleep again. (翻译:出纳员又睡去了。)

10. Bartender at the Friendly Tavern, where, I believe, you once worked as a night cashier. (翻译:友谊客栈的男招待.. ...我想,你在哪儿当过收银员.)

11. That guy's got a cashier of weapons big enough to defend Fort Knox. (翻译:老家伙 囤积的武器库存, 有哪一个诺克斯堡 可以捍卫!)

12. After the war, most resumed their lives as women, but some, like Albert Cashier, continued to live as men. (翻译:战后,大部分人重新回到 女性身份的生活, 但有些人,像Albert Cashier, 继续过着男人的生活。)

13. All these are cashier's checks on a bank in Mexico City. (翻译:-这些是出纳支票 -都是墨西哥支票吗 -在墨西哥城的一家银行)

14. Cashier: Two cheeseburgers. (翻译:收银员:两个奶酪汉堡。)

15. Take this $150 to that cashier... and cash it in for dollar tokens. (翻译:你拿这150元,到出纳处兑换一元的代用币)

