
booking是什么意思 booking的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-04 10:16:22作者:封心锁爱

1. 定义:Booking是指预定或预约某项服务或物品的行为,也可以指已经完成的预定或预约记录。缩写词BKG也可以表示同样的概念。

booking是什么意思 booking的中文翻译、读音、例句

- I made a booking at the hotel for next weekend.

- We need to confirm the booking for the conference room.

2. 同义词:Booking的同义词包括reservation, appointment, 和order。

- I made a reservation at the restaurant for tonight.

- She has an appointment with her dentist tomorrow.

- I placed an order for a new phone online.

3. 相关词汇:Booking也可以和其他词汇一起组成短语,如booking confirmation(预约确认),booking fee(预约费),cancel booking(取消预约)等。

- I received a booking confirmation email from the airline.

- They charged me a booking fee for reserving the concert tickets.

- I had to cancel my booking at the spa due to a scheng conflict.

4. 应用场景:Booking可以用于预定住宿、机票、餐厅、电影票、会议室、医生预约等方面。

- I made a booking for a room at the hotel for my vacation.

- We need to make a booking for our flight to Paris.

- Can we make a booking for six people at the restaurant for tonight?

5. 动词变形:Booking可以变成book的动词形式,表示“预定”或“预约”。

- I need to book a table at the restaurant for tomorrow.

- She is going to book a flight to New York next month.





1. I made a booking for a flight to Paris next month.


2. The hotel was fully booked for the weekend.


3. The restaurant requires a booking for groups of six or more.





例句:The human part of the BookRoom activity is for the receptionist to provide room-booking information. (BookRoom 活动的人为部分是接待员提供订房信息。)


例句:No advance booking is necessary. (无须提前订票。)


例句, sir,你订的是7,30的现在已经8,15了)


例句:Early booking is recommended. (翻译:请提早订票。)


booking一般作为名词、动词使用,如在early booking(提前预订)、double booking(双重订票)、forward booking(un. 预订\n[网络] 订舱)等常见短语中出现较多。

early booking提前预订
double booking双重订票
forward bookingun. 预订\n[网络] 订舱
group bookingun. 团体预订\n[网络] 团体预约;集体预定;团队接待
home booking卸货港订运
industrial booking工业簿记
late booking迟到簿
priority booking[网络] 优先订票
studio booking演播室排用表
tentative booking[经] 暂时登记(预约)


sir, your booking was for 7.30. It's now 8.15. (翻译,你订的是7,30的现在已经8,15了)

2. Early booking is recommended. (翻译:请提早订票。)

3. Well it seemed they weren't going to take the booking, so I rented it to the Rotary Club for the weekend. (翻译:你以为? 我以为他们不订了 所以这周末租给扶轮社了)

the booking message was not imput into the computer immediately by the book department yesterday. (翻译,预订部昨天预订部昨天没有及时把信息输入电脑。)

5. Yeah, and I heard her booking a ticket fliddt oat of Hoed Hoed. (翻译:已经走了 Yeah, 还听到她订了张尽快离港的机票 and I heard her booking a ticket fliddt oat of Hoed Hoed.)

6. Hey, '70s retro week is booking up, Do we want Keith Partridge or Marcia Brady? (翻译:需不需要凯思帕崔或者马西布兰迪? -只有一个名额了)

7. The time is... 2046, and I'm investigating the incident which occurred in booking. (翻译:时间是... 20: 46 调查收监时出的事故)

8. That was Gus Weinbaum from the booking office. (翻译:是预约办公室的Gus Weinbaum。)

9. Gregory Wills, TravelJigsaw's managing director, says the company will work closely with Booking. com and Agoda to build distribution. (翻译:TravelJigsaw的执行董事GregoryWills表示,TravelJigsaw将与Booking.com和Agoda进行紧密的分销合作。)

10. Homestays offer a unique insight into a country's culture but booking them can be a bit of a minefield. (翻译:寄宿家庭令你可以对一个国家的文化产生独特的感受,但预订则有一定的风险。)

11. Established in 2006, GoDo provides a real time online booking service for "things to do" in Australia and New Zealand. (翻译:GoDo于xx年成立,在澳大利亚和新西兰为客户提供“可以做的事情”的实时在线预订服务。)

12. And all of his personal effects are in booking. (翻译:他的私人物品也都登记了 - 看看能否找到他的手机)

13. Listen, someone here says you took a booking yesterday. (翻译:听着,我这里有个人说... ... 你昨天接了一个订房电话。)

14. The promised e-mail confirmation didn't arrive, and on the "My EasyJet" page there was no record of the booking. (翻译,在“我的EasyJet”网页上也没有我的预定记录。)

15. The human part of the BookRoom activity is for the receptionist to provide room-booking information. (翻译:BookRoom活动的人为部分是接待员提供订房信息。)

