
faculty是什么意思 faculty的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-26 19:16:11作者:人去空

词义:faculty 可表示许多意思,包括:1.大学中某一学科的教职员;2.某种能力、技能或特征;3.某一机构、组织或学院中的成员;4.精神能力;5.学院(college)或研究所(school);6.事实;7.特权。

faculty是什么意思 faculty的中文翻译、读音、例句

词性:faculty 是一个名词。


- faculty member:教职员

- faculty of arts and sciences:文理学院

- faculty of medicine:医学院

- faculty of engineering:工学院

- faculty of law:法学院

- mental faculty:精神能力

- the faculty lounge:教师休息室




1. She is a member of the faculty of medical faculty at Yale University.(她是耶鲁大学医学院的教职员)

2. Memory is one of the faculties of the mind.(记忆是心灵中的一种能力)

3. The faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard University is one of the most prestigious in the world.(哈佛大学文理学院是世界上最有名望的学院之一)

4. He was nominated by the faculty to become the next dean of the business school.(他被学院提名成为商学院的下一任院长)

5. He suffered a stroke which damaged his mental faculties.(他中风了,失去了精神能力)

6. I am planning on applying to the faculty of law at McGill University.(我打算申请麦吉尔大学的法学院)

7. The faculty enjoyed a cup of coffee in the faculty lounge during their break.(教职员在休息期间在教师休息室里喝了杯咖啡)





1. The faculty members have diverse backgrounds and expertise.(学院的教师成员具有不同的背景和专业知识。)

2. Her faculty for languages allowed her to communicate with people from all over the world.(她的语言才能使她能够与来自世界各地的人交流。)

3. His sense of taste is his strongest faculty.(他的味觉是他最强的感官。)




例句:He is also the MEEM Student Representative of Faculty Board of Science and Engineering. (而且,他也是科学及工程学院委员会的学生代表。)


例句:I did some graffiti, flooded the faculty bathroom. (是吗,我是个恐怖人物 404 00: 31: 51,200)


例句:Dr Sampson, a former member of the WSU equine faculty, recently accepted a faculty position at Mississippi State University. (Sampson医生是州立大学的前马教员,她最近接受了在美国密西西比州立大学的教职。)


例句:Nobue Suzuki is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Letters, Chiba University, Japan. (翻译:铃木 伸枝 是日本千叶大学文化人类学教授。)


faculty一般作为名词使用,如在on the faculty(职员之一; (院校)系里的成员)、the faculty([电影]夺命高校; 异种教师)、disciplinary faculty(学科教师)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the faculty职员之一; (院校)系里的成员
the faculty[电影]夺命高校; 异种教师
disciplinary faculty学科教师
elaborative facultyn. 思考能力
faculty adviser〈美〉(大学)指导教师
faculty advisor指导教授,导师
faculty and staffn. 教职员
faculty and students[网络] 教师和学生;师资及学生概况;师生
Faculty Board[网络] 教员会议;学院院务会;学院院务


1. Dr Sampson, a former member of the WSU equine faculty, recently accepted a faculty position at Mississippi State University. (翻译:Sampson医生是州立大学的前马教员,她最近接受了在美国密西西比州立大学的教职。)

2. Nobue Suzuki is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Letters, Chiba University, Japan. (翻译:铃木 伸枝 是日本千叶大学文化人类学教授。)

3. The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements. (翻译:全体教员同意改变要求。)

4. The appellative faculty of children; the appellative function of some primitive rites. (翻译:孩子给事物命名的能力;一些原始仪式的命名功能。)

5. Education: higher, the Taras Shevchenko National University, the Faculty of Management of organizations. (翻译:教育:塔拉斯舍甫琴科大学,组织管理专业,高年级学生。)

6. Worse still, it was to be followed by a reception with Fort at the Faculty Club. (翻译:更糟的是,它要遵循由 接待堡学院俱乐部。)

7. Faculty: you CANNOT switch your faculty after you have been accepted into the IFP. (翻译:学系:在被某个特定学系录取之后,申请者不能在学系之间互相跳转。)

8. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity? (翻译:全体教员怎样才能改进教学以便激发创造力? )

9. Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. (翻译:学生们 教职工们 尊贵的蜜蜂们 欢迎布斯威尔院长讲话)

10. No, now I live in a depressing faculty apartment. (翻译:不,我现在住 在一个令人沮丧的 教师公寓。)

11. You have an office in the faculty building. (翻译:你在教职员大楼有办公室吧 you have an office in the faculty building.)

12. The criteria listed in the official university bylaws on faculty hires. (翻译:列出的标准 是基于校内的能力聘用细则)

13. Emotionally, I empathized with the faculty and emphasized the need to improve our course. (翻译:从情感的角度,我设身处地替系科着想,强调了改进课程的必要性。)

14. We're compiling a database of articles the anthropology faculty has published. (翻译:我们正在汇编一个人类学学院所发表的文章的数据库。)

15. An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attriButes. (翻译:能无误地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有用的特征之一)



