
took out是什么意思 took out的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-26 15:04:11作者:女子汉

took out 是由 take 和 out 两个词组成的短语,表示取出、拿出的意思。take 是动词,表示拿、取,out 是副词,表示向外,放在动词后面表示把物品从某个地方拿出来。


took out是什么意思 took out的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:take out 搭配的名词通常为物,如 take out the trash(倒垃圾)、 take out a book(拿出一本书)等。

常见短语:take something out of something(从...中取出某物)、take someone out(带某人外出)、take out a loan(贷款)、take out insurance(投保)、take out of context(断章取义)、take out on(发泄情绪)等。

发音拼写:/tk at/


1. Can you take out the trash for me?(你能帮我倒垃圾吗?)

2. She took out a book and began to read.(她拿出一本书开始阅读。)

3. He took out his wallet to pay the bill.(他拿出钱包付账。)

4. I need to take out a loan to buy a house.(我需要贷款买房。)

5. She took out her anger on her coworkers.(她把怒火发泄在同事身上。)

6. He took her out for a romantic dinner.(他带她去一个浪漫的晚餐。)

7. The quote was taken out of context and misinterpreted.(这句话被断章取义,被误解了。)

took out的中文翻译是“取出”,读音为[tk at]。


1. She took out her phone and called her friend. (她取出手机给她的朋友打电话。)

2. He took out a pen and wrote down the address. (他取出笔,写下了地址。)

3. I took out the trash this morning. (我今天早上把垃圾拿出去了。)

4. The chef took out the dish from the oven. (厨师从烤箱里取出了这道菜。)

5. They took out a loan to buy the house. (他们申请了一笔贷款买下了房子。)

took out在中文中有"取出、散步等"的意思,在日常中也代表"掏出"的意思,读音为[tookout],took out常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与took out相关的例句。

Took out的中文翻译


例句:We took a chance We took a chance (-We took a chance -We took a chance)


例句:Tobias Eaton took Caleb Prior out of his cage. (托比亚斯伊顿把凯莱布普勒尔带走了 Tobias Eaton took Caleb Prior out of his cage.)


例句:Well, it was doused in gasoline. (如果有人把船划向离岸那么远的地方 But if they took it out at,)


例句:Say you took one of the files out. (翻译:如果你带走其中一份档案 Say you took one of the files out.)


took out一般作为名词使用,如在took it out(把它取出来\n把它拿出来)、took out of([网络] 领出)、took out on(拿…出气;对…发泄)等常见短语中出现较多。

took it out把它取出来\n把它拿出来
took out of[网络] 领出
took out on拿…出气;对…发泄
took me out带我出去
took someone out带…出去(吃饭、看电影等)
took them out把他们带出去\n把他们拿出来
took you out带你出去\n与你约会(歌名,Take You Out)
took forna. 以为;当做;弄错\n[网络] 认为


1. Well, it was doused in gasoline. (翻译:如果有人把船划向离岸那么远的地方 But if they took it out at,)

2. Say you took one of the files out. (翻译:如果你带走其中一份档案 Say you took one of the files out.)

3. Rival runners took him out just north of San Francisco. (翻译:敌对帮派在旧金山北郊把他杀了 Rival runners took him out just north of San Francisco.)

4. You took out the East Coast hub of Vladimir Pushkin. (翻译:你端掉了弗拉基米尔普希金在东海岸线的据点 You took out the East Coast hub of Vladimir Pushkin.)

5. Ah, she took your brother out to celebrate. (翻译:呃 她带你弟弟去庆祝了 Ah, she took your brother out to celebrate.)

6. What do you mean the angels took Adam? (翻译:the angels took Adam?)

7. Then it took three months to get her to go out with me. (翻译:然后我花了三个月才把她约出来 Then it took three months to get her to go out with me.)

8. The path you took back to Destiny. (翻译:想要找出你们回到命运号的路线 trying to figure out the path you took back to Destiny.)

9. ? I took and I took and I took what you gave ? (翻译:我甩掉你所给予的一起 ♪ I took and I took and I took what you gave ♪)

10. It took me a while to figure out that I was in Paris. (翻译:It took me a while to figure out that I was in Paris. 花了好一会儿我才确定自己到了巴黎)

11. * ...the pictures we took * (翻译:* ... the pictures we took *)

12. Also, I feel like he was trying to take a bite out of me. (翻译:i feel like he was... 他想要咬我一口 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Took e a bite out of me .)

13. Took a train out to Montauk. (翻译:搭火车去蒙托克 Took a train out to Montauk)

14. I can run out and replace whatever he took before she gets here. (翻译:I can run out and replace whatever he took all right?)

15. And you took me out of the line of fire (翻译:你帮我避开了 And you took me out of the line of fire)

