
bus是什么意思 bus的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-19 18:50:01作者:醉卧沙场


bus是什么意思 bus的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Take the bus: 乘坐公共汽车

2. Bus stop: 公共汽车站

3. Bus driver: 公交车司机

4. Bus fare: 公交车费用

5. Double-decker bus: 双层巴士


1. Bus route: 公交车路线

2. Bus timetable: 公交车时刻表

3. Bus station: 公交车站

4. Bus shelter: 公交车候车亭





1. I take the bus to work every day. (我每天坐公交车上班。)

2. Did you see the school bus outside? (你看到外面的校车了吗?)

3. He missed the bus and had to wait for the next one. (他错过了公交车,只能等下一辆。)

4. We need to catch the bus at 3 o'clock. (我们需要在3点钟赶上公交车。)

5. They are going to bus the students to the museum. (他们将把学生送到博物馆。)

6. I can't drive, so I always bus or walk. (我不会开车,所以我总是坐公交车或步行。)

7. The bus driver was very friendly and helpful. (公交车司机非常友好,乐于助人。)

8. We had to stand on the bus because all the seats were taken. (我们只能站在公交车上,因为所有的座位都被占满了。)

9. The bus route goes through the city center. (公交路线经过市中心。)


1. I usually take the bus to work. (我通常坐公交车上班。)

2. We hired a bus to take us to the concert. (我们租了一辆大巴车去听音乐会。)

3. The bus was late this morning, so I had to take a taxi. (今天早上公交车晚点了,所以我只能坐出租车。)




例句:The team bus is now at the 34th Street entrance. (球队巴士在34街的入口 The team bus is now at the 34th Street entrance.)


例句:Turns out yeah, I didn't think twice about it. (But you were okay throwing me under the bus?)


例句:Undeploy the bus service and decompression filter for the bus off-ramp. (取消为总线出站部署的总线服务和解压缩过滤器。)

4.公共汽车 、公车

例句:Georgie, will you take Lucy to the bus? (翻译:乔姬 把露西带上车好吗? Georgie, will you take Lucy to the bus?)


bus一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on the bus(在公车上)、direct bus([网络] 直达公车;直通巴士;直接总线)、dual bus([计] 双总线)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the bus在公车上
direct bus[网络] 直达公车;直通巴士;直接总线
dual bus[计] 双总线
earth bus接地母线
double bus双重母线
displacement bus[网络] 位移总线
Distribution Bus配电母线
driver bus驱动器汇流排
dummy bus模拟母线


1. Undeploy the bus service and decompression filter for the bus off-ramp. (翻译:取消为总线出站部署的总线服务和解压缩过滤器。)

2. Georgie, will you take Lucy to the bus? (翻译:乔姬 把露西带上车好吗? Georgie, will you take Lucy to the bus?)

3. The bus will be here soon. (翻译:公车马上就要到了,谢谢 The bus will be here soon.)

4. - Yeah, to buy a bus ticket. (翻译:对啊 买汽车票 Yeah, to buy a bus ticket.)

5. I feel like I do, from reading your blog. (翻译:我是那晚对着巴士 I was the one who screamed at the bus)

6. After Sheriff Barnes takes me to the bus station, I buy a ticket to Vancouver. (翻译:在巴恩斯警长带我去车站之后 After Sheriff Barnes takes me to the bus station,)

7. She said she had a bus to catch, so Angela gave her a ride down to the bus station. (翻译:她说她要赶汽车 She said she had a bus to catch, 所以安吉拉送她去长途汽车站了 ao Angela gave her a ride down to the bus station.)

8. And the wheels on the bus go round and round. (翻译:生命的车轮在不停的前进 And the wheels on the bus go round and round.)

9. Bus is at the 34th Street entrance. (翻译:巴士在34街的入口 Bus is at the 34th Street entrance.)

10. A pretty bus with no driver. (翻译:一辆没有司机的漂亮公车 Et un joli bus, sans chauffeur.)

11. A man got on the bus and hid in the bus restroom with a bomb. (翻译:一个男人上了公共汽车,并带着藏在了公共汽车休息室里。)

12. I got to help these kids on the bus. (翻译:I got to help these kids on the bus. 我要帮助这些孩子在公共汽车上。)

13. You don't want to help, don't help. (翻译:- Now we take the bus.)

14. ♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round... ♪ (翻译:* The wheels on the bus go round and round...)

15. Poor jerk, you'll miss your bus. (翻译: 你要错过公交车了 Pauvre tache! Tu vas louper ton bus.)

