
grad是什么意思 grad的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-19 13:04:01作者:阿阑

grad是什么意思 grad的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:grad cap(毕业帽)、grad school(研究生院)、grad ceremony(毕业典礼)、grad student(研究生)。

短语:graduate from(毕业于)。



1. They cheered as the graduates tossed their grad caps into the air.


2. She decided to attend grad school to pursue a master's degree.


3. The university is holding a grad ceremony next week.


4. After years of hard work, he finally had the opportunity to graduate from college.


5. The professor was impressed with the intelligence and hard work of his grad students.





1. He is a grad student studying physics at the university.(他是一位在大学学习物理学的研究生。)

2. After the graduation ceremony, the grads threw their hats in the air to celebrate.(毕业典礼之后,毕业生们把帽子扔到空中庆祝。)

3. She received high marks and graduated with honors, earning her a top grad position in her field.(她取得了高分,并以优异的成绩毕业,为其在领域内获得了顶级职位。)

4. The colors on the painting gradually blend together, creating a beautiful grad effect.(画作上的颜色渐进地混合在一起,呈现出美丽的渐变效果。)

5. He finished the marathon with a nine-minute grad in his time.(他用了9分钟的时间在他的成绩中达成了渐进的目标,完成了马拉松比赛。)

grad的意思是"毕业生 、人名",还有德的意思,读音为[rd],grad是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到24个与grad相关的例句。



例句:That grad student Heather. Now, she's young. She has potential. (那个叫Heather的年轻研究生 倒是很有潜力)


例句:He and some of his grad students wanted to use nitrous oxide as an emissions-free energy source. (他和他班上一些大学生想利用氧化氮作为无排放的动力能源。)


例句:Same setup, same time of day, but this time I used a polarizing filter along with a Hitech 0.6 soft ND grad. (同样设定,同样时刻,但是这次我与HITECH 0.6软的ND 一起使用了一个偏振滤光镜。)


例句:While Patterson tried to measure the trace amounts of lead in the zircon grains, another grad student, George Tilton, was measuring the amount of uranium in the same grains. (翻译:当彼得森在测量锆石微粒中的微量铅时 While Patterson tried to measure the trace amounts of lead in the zircon grains 另外一位名叫乔治迪尔顿的研究生 another grad student, George Tilton, 也在测定锆石中的含量 was measuring the amount of uranium in the same grains.)


grad一般作为名词使用,如在grad sample(定时采集的样品;随机采集的样品;任意采集的样品)、grad school(= graduate school)、grad schools([网络] 研究和专业学院;职业学院)等常见短语中出现较多。

grad sample定时采集的样品;随机采集的样品;任意采集的样品
grad school= graduate school
grad schools[网络] 研究和专业学院;职业学院
Grad Sofija[地名] 索非亚市 ( 保 )
grad student研究生
grad students[网络] 研究生
grad with teeth带牙抓斗
Grad Zagreb[地名] 萨格勒布市 ( 克罗 )
Grad.[医] 渐渐, 逐步


1. Same setup, same time of day, but this time I used a polarizing filter along with a Hitech 0.6 soft ND grad. (翻译:同样设定,同样时刻,但是这次我与HITECH 0.6软的ND 一起使用了一个偏振滤光镜。)

2. While Patterson tried to measure the trace amounts of lead in the zircon grains, another grad student, George Tilton, was measuring the amount of uranium in the same grains. (翻译:当彼得森在测量锆石微粒中的微量铅时 While Patterson tried to measure the trace amounts of lead in the zircon grains 另外一位名叫乔治迪尔顿的研究生 another grad student, George Tilton, 也在测定锆石中的含量 was measuring the amount of uranium in the same grains.)

3. Did you know the average annual salary 10 years out of a Pressman business grad is over 400k? (翻译:你知道吗,平均 年薪xx年 出普雷斯曼业务 大学毕业生是超过40万?)

4. 25-year-old grad student Russell Holmes. (翻译:xx岁的大学生Russell Holmes)

5. So, me and the grad student got married and we started a company... (翻译:所以,我和大学毕业的学生 结婚了, 我们开了一家公司... 哦。)

6. Working through the Arrow-Debreu proofs was a major part of the MIT grad student experience. (翻译:学习阿罗—德布鲁证明,是MIT毕业生学习生活的主要组成部分。)

7. For grad students Alan and Amy, time in the field is the best way, to develop their own skills. (翻译:对于学生艾伦和艾米来说 时间和这块地方最适合 发展他们的技能)

8. White-collar, college grad, loves dogs, likes funny movies, 6'1", brown hair, kind eyes, works in finance but is outdoorsy, you know, on the weekends. (翻译:白领,大学毕业 爱狗狗,爱看喜剧电影 1米85,棕色头发,眼神和善 在金融界工作 周末的时候热爱户外运动)

9. I bet he picked up a lot of cute grad students in this bad boy. (翻译:我打赌 他用这辆车接过很多可爱的毕业生 I bet he picked up a lot of cute grad students in this bad boy.)

10. Seong-eun, a smart college grad was later released and got a job at the same place (翻译:接着出狱的大学毕业生阿恩 在同一个地方找到了工作)

11. I was going to give it to you after grad, but, I... (翻译:我打算把它给 你毕业后,可是,我... ...)

12. While he bloviates on his post-grad thesis about Proust. (翻译:他在那边高谈阔论他关于普鲁斯特的硕士论文。While he bloviates on his postgrad thesis about proust.)

13. May be time to give up on the 22-year-old grad students, start banging in your own decade. (翻译:下次别找xx岁的研究生了 搞跟你年纪差不多的吧)

14. Bier said that he and his grad student Valentino Gantz had stumbled on a tool that could not only guarantee that a particular genetic trait would be inherited, but that it would spread incredibly quickly. (翻译:比尔说他和他的研究生瓦伦蒂诺甘茨 无意中发现了一种工具, 不仅可以保证特定的基因会被遗传, 而且基因传播的速度难以置信的快。)

15. The inception cavitation does n'f only related the liquid vapouration pressure and its character, but also the pressure grad and velocity distribution. (翻译:水流的初生空化噪声频率不仅与汽化压力和流体的特性有关,而且还与流体的环境压力分布和速度分布有关,与空化类型关系更为密切。)



