
deviation是什么意思 deviation的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-12 09:09:51作者:傀儡


1. 词义和用法

deviation是什么意思 deviation的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 相关搭配和表达

3. 常见误区和易混词

1. 词义和用法:

'deviation' 是一个名词,用来表示偏差、偏移、偏离等含义。通常用于描述某些数据、计划、行为等是否与正常情况相符。在英语中,'deviation' 还可以作为动词的过去分词形式,表示偏移、偏离的状态,常用于描述航空航天、医学、统计学等领域的研究和实践。

2. 相关搭配和表达:

'deviation' 可以和其他词汇搭配使用,形成各种表达和习惯用语。例如:

- standard deviation:标准偏差

- mean deviation:平均偏差

- deviation rate:偏离率

- deviation from the norm:与标准相比的偏差

- deviation from the plan:计划偏离

3. 常见误区和易混词:

'deviation' 在中文中常常被误解为“偏差”、“误差”等,但它实际上更多的是描述某个事物与某个标准、规范相比时的偏离程度。此外,英语中还有一些与'deviation' 容易混淆的词汇,如'variation'、'difference'、'discrepancy' 等,需要在使用时进行区分。


1. The standard deviation of the data set was larger than we had antited. (这组数据的标准偏差比我们预想的要大。)

2. The deviation from the normal distribution was significant enough to warrant further investigation.(与正态分布相比,偏离程度显著,需要进一步研究。)

3. The project manager noticed a deviation from the original plan and immediately took action to correct it.(项目经理发现计划发生了偏差,立即采取行动予以纠正。)

4. The pilot had to make a deviation from the flight path due to severe weather conditions.(飞行员因恶劣天气情况不得不偏离航线。)

5. There was a discrepancy between the two sets of data, and we needed to find out why.(这两组数据存在不同,我们需要找出原因。)



1. The deviation between the estimated and actual costs was less than 5%.(估算成本和实际成本之间的偏差小于5%。)

2. The flight path was adjusted to correct for the deviation caused by wind.(航班路线被调整以纠正风力所导致的偏差。)

3. The company's stock price showed a significant deviation from the industry average.(公司股票价格与行业平均水平相比存在显著偏差。)

4. The study found a deviation in the results that couldn't be explained by any of the factors tested.(研究发现结果存在无法用任何被测试的因素来解释的偏差。)

5. The team yzed the deviation in the production process and identified several areas for improvement.(团队分析了生产过程中的偏差并确定了几个需要改进的领域。)

6. The athlete's performance showed a deviation from his usual standard, which raised concerns about his health.(运动员的表现与他通常的水平有所偏差,引起了对他的健康状况的担忧。)

7. The data was adjusted for the deviation caused by measurement error.(数据经过调整,以纠正由测量误差引起的偏差。)

8. The company has a policy of monitoring any deviation from standard procedures to ensure quality control.(公司有一项政策,监测任何与标准程序有所偏差,以确保质量控制。)

9. The deviation in the experimental results was attributed to the use of a faulty instrument.(实验结果中的偏差被归因于使用了一个有故障的仪器。)




例句:By the way, there's a slight deviation in my heart rate, but other than that, nothing to worry about. (癸み瞯翴熬蔼 场だ 常タ盽)


例句:Results the deviation of our air kerma calibration factors is -0.5%, and the deviation of our absorbed dose to water calibration factors is 0.4%. (结果比释动能校准因子比对的偏差为- 0.5%,水吸收剂量校准因子的比对偏差为0.4%。)


例句:And this is a case where there's a positive deviation from ideality. (在这种情况,会有相对于理想情况的正的偏离。)

4.偏离 、离差

例句:On the basis of standard codes, corresponding revisal codes are also adopted to express the deviation from standard codes. (翻译:在此基础上,进一步确定曲线的修正编码,以表示曲线与标准编码的差异程度。)


deviation一般作为名词使用,如在no deviation([经] 不改变预定航线)、dimensional deviation(尺寸偏差)、direction of deviation(偏向)等常见短语中出现较多。

no deviation[经] 不改变预定航线
dimensional deviation尺寸偏差
direction of deviation偏向
downside deviation跌势差
dominance deviation显性偏差
dynamic deviation[电] 动态偏差
environmental deviation环境偏差
etatic deviation上位离差
equivalent deviation[统计] 等价离差
error deviation[医]误差偏差


1. And this is a case where there's a positive deviation from ideality. (翻译:在这种情况,会有相对于理想情况的正的偏离。)

2. On the basis of standard codes, corresponding revisal codes are also adopted to express the deviation from standard codes. (翻译:在此基础上,进一步确定曲线的修正编码,以表示曲线与标准编码的差异程度。)

3. Knuckling at fetlocks, ataxia, tail deviation and tail may be flaccid. (翻译:扣打距毛,运动失调,尾偏斜和尾可能松垂。)

4. Subjects were required to indicate the direction of deviation of the target dot from the midpoint of the intermediate line segment. (翻译:受试者要求指明了方向偏离目标点的中点的中间线段。)

5. Any deviation from our mission results in termination. (翻译:Any deviation from our mission results in termination. 任务中发生任何偏差都会玩完)

6. Overprints, High reject rate, Large color deviation. (翻译:多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。)

7. In the real work, the kinematics law of the mechanism is not determinate, but distributed dispersedly within the range of deviation allowed. (翻译:实际工作中,机构的运动规律幷非是确定的,而是在允许的偏差范围内离散分布的,是不确定的。)

8. This idea of otherism, the exclusion of a person based on their perceived deviation from the norms, goes to the root of the problems in Kenya. (翻译:这种他者主义的观点, 是基于一个人对标准的偏离 而将其隔离在外, 是肯尼亚问题的根源, )

9. Discussion to Influence of Manufacture Deviation to Properties of Involutes Column Gear (翻译:渐开线圆柱齿轮的制造偏差对其工作性能的影响)

10. Sideslip, sharp steer and obit deviation are the often occurrence of accidents during this process. (翻译:在这一过程中所发生的侧滑、激转和轨道偏离常常是行车事故的主要原因。)

11. The result of the former was basically in accordance with that of the latter, its deviation was within the permissive range. (翻译:两种方法所得结果基本一致。其偏差在允许范围之内,均具有较高的准确性和可靠性。)

12. According to Avestan belief, there is no reversal and no deviation possible once a man has made his decision. (翻译:通过对《阿维斯陀》的信仰,人一旦作出了他的选择,就没有颠倒和背离的可能。)

13. Respectively using magnesium oxide and bone ash cupels, the result deviation of gold content in the samples is within the allowable deviation of the national standards. (翻译:分别使用镁砂灰皿和骨灰灰皿,样品含Au量的分析结果与理论含Au量的偏差均在国家标准的允差范围内; )

14. Deviation Number Three: The THC result of the high purity compressed air did not meet the acceptance criteria. The deviation was corrected. (翻译:偏差三:高纯压缩空气的THC结果不符合验收标准。该偏差已经纠正。)

15. Any deviation or abberation existed between boxes or in single box will be detected in this way. (翻译:通过这种方式发现箱与箱之间或单个箱的任何偏离和误差。)

