
h n信息详情

更新时间:2023-12-25 19:06:39作者:飞柏

h n发音

h n信息详情





H n───abbr.洪都拉斯(Honduras);n.血凝素神经氨酸酶

H rb n───H rb n公司

h n k───abbr.肾盂积水肾(hydronephrotickidney)

h o n e───v.训练(尤指技艺);磨(刀);用磨刀石磨;(使)更锋利(或更强烈等);发牢骚;渴望;n.(Hone)(美)霍恩(人名);n.(细)磨石;(制造磨刀石的)磨石块

h h───abbr.倍硬(指铅笔心硬度double-hard);半硬的(HalfHard);重氢,氚(HeavyHydrogen);高功率不定向无线电归航信标(High-powered,non-directionalradiohomingbeacon);殿下(HisHighness);陛下(HisHoliness);阁下,先生(HisHonour)

N n───abbr.neuralnetwork神经网络;NetworkNode网络结点

h s n com shopping───h s n com购物

h game h───h游戏h

h s n shopping channel───h s n购物频道


No, just a bit more complicated-it's M-A-U-G-H-A-N.───不,只是稍微复杂一点,是 M-A-U-G-H-A-N。

entered the toothbrush market when H. N. Wadsworth was awarded the first patent in America for their production.───牙刷进入美国市场,H.N.沃兹沃斯第一个获得特许在美国生产牙刷。

So it looks a lot less messy if we just draw our Lewis structure like this for h c n, where we have h bonded to c triple bonded to n, and then a lone pair on the nitrogen there.───这看起来整洁了不少,如果我们把氰化氢的路易斯结构画成这样的话,这样我们就有氢与碳之间的单键和碳与氮之间三键,然后还有一对孤对电子在氮这里。

In their elementary composition, the enzymes show the usual proportion of C, H, N, and S found in proteins.───从元素组成来看,酶显示出与通常蛋白质一样的碳,氢,氮及硫的元素比例。

"He could not be severe nor even passably strict" (W. H. Hudson).───“他根本不能做到严厉,甚至连稍稍严格一点都做不到”(W.H.N哈德森)

In 1857 America entered the toothbrush market when H. N. Wadsworth was awarded the first patent in America for their production.───1857年牙刷进入美国市场,H.N.沃兹沃斯第一个获得特许在美国生产牙刷。

Jo h n: What do you mean, why? 'Cause you can't.───约翰:你还问我理由?你就是不能那么干。

Proprieter & Chief Editor: Allan H. N. Wang Advertising: China International Media Co. , Limited───广告代理:中华国际传媒有限公司社长兼总编辑:王海宁

Control system of H-N ratio in the production of synthetic ammonia───合成氨生产中的氢氮比控制系统


The pre-war career of H. N. Brailsford illustrates the easy co-operation of liberal and socialist internationalism before 1914.

