
npv是什么意思 npv的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-25 17:06:39作者:手放开々


NPV是英文Net Present Value的缩写,意为“净现值”。净现值是指项目现金流的现值之和与现有投资的现值之差,是一种用于投资决策的财务指标,用于评估一个投资项目的盈利能力。

npv是什么意思 npv的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. discounted cash flow ysis with NPV: 使用净现值法的折现现金流分析。

2. positive NPV: 正净现值。

3. negative NPV: 负净现值。

4. calculate NPV: 计算净现值。

5. NPV profile: 净现值剖面。


1. NPV ysis: 净现值分析。

2. NPV formula: 净现值公式。

3. NPV method: 净现值方法。

4. NPV decision rule: 净现值决策规则。

5. NPV sensitivity ysis: 净现值敏感性分析。


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1. The financial manager calculated the NPV of the project to determine its profitability.


2. The project has a positive NPV which means it is expected to generate a profit.


3. Discounted cash flow ysis with NPV is a widely used method in investment appraisal.


4. Negative NPV indicates that the project is not profitable and should not be undertaken.


5. The financial yst conducted a NPV sensitivity ysis to ess the impact of different factors on the investment decision.


'npv'是英国的词语,全称为“Net Present Value(净现值)”。它是一个财务术语,用于计算未来现金流的现值减去当前投资的现值,从而确定一个投资项目是否值得进行或不值得进行。它是一种常用的财务分析方法,常用于企业的投资决策和风险评估。


1. The project's NPV is positive, so it is worth investing in. (该项目的净现值为正值,因此值得投资。)

2. They used the NPV formula to calculate the project's potential profitability. (他们使用净现值公式来计算该项目的潜在盈利能力。)

3. The company compared the NPV of two different investment options before a decision. (该公司在做决策之前比较了两种不同投资方式的净现值。)

4. It is important to consider inflation when calculating NPV. (在计算净现值时考虑通货膨胀是很重要的。)

5. The NPV method takes into account the time value of money. (净现值方法考虑了货币的时间价值。)

6. A negative NPV indicates that an investment may not be profitable. (负净现值表明该投资可能不赚钱。)

7. The company had to adjust their NPV calculations after changes in market conditions. (该公司在市场环境改变后必须调整他们的净现值计算。)

8. One drawback of using NPV is that it umes cash flows are constant over time. (使用净现值的一个缺点是它假设现金流随时间保持不变。)

9. The project's NPV was affected by changes in interest rates. (该项目的净现值受到利率变化的影响。)




1. 计算净现值可以帮助我们评估一个投资项目的价值。

Calculation of NPV can help us evaluate the value of an investment project.

2. 在决策投资时,我们通常会比较不同项目的净现值。

When investment decisions, we usually compare the NPV of different projects.




例句:Here is the formula for NPV calculation: 7. (这是计算NPV的公式:7。)


例句:NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflows is subtracted by the present value of cash outflows. (NPV是一种用于资本预算的方法,在预算中要从现金流入的现值中减去现金流出的现值。)


例句:When a project does not exist further investment possibility, the option valuation is zero, which corresponds to NPV framework. (当投资项目不存在后续投资灵活性时,期权的价值就为零,此时回归经典NPV情形。)


例句:Often the decision to go ahead with a project is based on whether the worst-case NPV is within acceptable limits. (翻译:我们经常用项目前期的结论作为后面的基础,无论最差情况是否在可接受范围之内。)


npv一般作为名词使用,如在NPV(abbr. 净现值(net present value))、NPV method(净现值法)、NPV profile([网络] 净现值曲线;净现值特征图)等常见短语中出现较多。

NPVabbr. 净现值(net present value)
NPV method净现值法
NPV profile[网络] 净现值曲线;净现值特征图


1. When a project does not exist further investment possibility, the option valuation is zero, which corresponds to NPV framework. (翻译:当投资项目不存在后续投资灵活性时,期权的价值就为零,此时回归经典NPV情形。)

2. Often the decision to go ahead with a project is based on whether the worst-case NPV is within acceptable limits. (翻译:我们经常用项目前期的结论作为后面的基础,无论最差情况是否在可接受范围之内。)

3. Different researchers got different results in silkworm's resistibility to BmNPV and the mechanism of heredity due to different materials they used. (翻译:不同的研究者用不同的材料研究了家蚕对NPV的抵抗性及其遗传规律,得到了不同的结果。)

