
心尖搏动用英语怎么说 心尖搏动英语翻译

更新时间:2023-12-25 13:06:38作者:万幸

心尖搏动英语为"RACG",在常中也可以翻译为"negative apical impulse",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到32个与心尖搏动相关译文和例句。

1. negative apical impulse(负心尖搏动)

1. Unfortunately, that's a pblem: they get a little too close, and when you're in a digible you have to be very careful about spikes.

心尖搏动用英语怎么说 心尖搏动英语翻译

译文:这时麻烦来了:他们得有点儿太近了-- 开飞船时候 切记要小心尖头物体。

3. it's very easy to see when you're lying.

4. A thin membrane as an echogenic band stretching acss the left atum could be identified with echocardiography on the parasternal and apical long axis views;


5. The silence... then the pain in my arms... and the blood pounding in my ears.

6. Usually, at this point, a pulsation may be felt at the end of the spine.

7. There's pulsatile mass. Could be damage to the catid.

8. The JVP waves should be timed with simultaneous palpation of the catid artery.

9. it was like one big heart, palpitating with emotion.

10. Assess client's circulatory status, including apical pulse, electcardiogram (ECG) report, and pepheral pulses.


11. The sick cow frequently attempts unation and pulsates the ethra over the ischium arch.

12. The heart points towards Wotton Hill, where Janet is fm.

13. People... with thbbing veins and bning skin.

14. While balanced on her head, her neck bent far backward, the woman "suddenly felt a sre thbbing headache. "


15. To beat loudly or heavily; thb or pulsate.

