
银银用英语怎么说 银银的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-12-25 10:36:39作者:弦音

银银英语为"silver contact",还网络中常译为"silver",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到67个与银银相关短语释义和例句。

UBS Investment Bank ( 瑞银投资银行 )

1. Eh, Ginko! Everything alght?

银银用英语怎么说 银银的英语翻译

2. He lined the heads with silver.

3. They framed you for sins you didn't commit. And stole yo Silver Star.

4. it's the name of a high school girl.

5. Yentown has its own soul, ght?

6. "Silver, gold, silver, gold,

7. Eighty thousand taels of silver?

8. Gin, i thought of you dung winter.

9. When they found silver in the ver, they asked the boy where it came fm.

10. The state of silver in silver-ch residue fm leaching of lead anodic slime with acid is AgCl.

11. And the winter won't mean anything.

12. Silver made him what he is.

13. The silver wouldn't stand out.

