
low carbon life是什么意思 low carbon life的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-25 09:34:39作者:尔海



low carbon life是什么意思 low carbon life的中文翻译、读音、例句



- 推广低碳生活(promote low carbon life)

- 实践低碳生活(practice low carbon life)

- 追求低碳生活(pursue low carbon life)

- 低碳生活方式(low carbon lifestyle)

- 低碳饮食(low carbon diet)

- 低碳交通(low carbon transportation)

- 低碳家居(low carbon household)


发音拼写:l kbn laf


读音:lo tn shnghu


1. 低碳生活是我们每个人应该追求的目标。

Low carbon life is the goal we should all strive for.

2. 我们可以通过减少能源消耗和废物排放来实现低碳生活。

We can achieve a low carbon life by reducing energy consumption and waste emissions.

3. 应该出台更多支持低碳生活的政策和措施。

The government should enact more policies and measures that support low carbon living.

low carbon life的中文解释是"低碳生活",在日常中也代表"低碳生活"的意思,发音是[lu k:bn laif],low carbon life是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到37个与low carbon life相关的例句。

Low carbon life的翻译


例句:Take this $300 as good luck money, my future grandson-in-low (my future grandson -in -low)


low carbon life一般作为名词使用,如在low carbon(低碳的)、low life(下层社会[居民]的生活[举止])、low carbon acid([化] 低碳酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

low carbon低碳的
low life下层社会[居民]的生活[举止]
low carbon acid[化] 低碳酸
low carbon alloy低碳合金
low carbon economyn. 低碳经济
low carbon ferrochromium低碳铬铁
low carbon ferromanganese低碳锰铁
low carbon ferronickel低碳镍铁
low carbon martensite低碳马氏体


1. My boss is on her way to meet the Low-Riders. (翻译:我上司要去见那些low -riders成员)

2. These are "glow of the firefly" berries. (翻译:这是萤火虫果实 These are low of the firefly berries.)

3. Steel for carburizing is usually a low-carbon steel of about 0. 15% carbon that would not in itself responds appreciably to heat treatment. (翻译:用于渗碳的一般是含碳量约为0.15%、本身不太适合热处理的低碳钢。)

4. Now are you involved in some sort of dispute with the Low-Riders? (翻译:你们最近跟low -rider有争执? 我)

5. And what became of all that buried carbon? (翻译:那些被掩埋的碳又会怎样呢 And what became of all that buried carbon?)

6. Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium. (翻译:碳 氮 氧 氟 氖 钠 Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium.)

7. It was low probability of success. (翻译:成功率很低 It was low probability of success.)

8. Consider this: Make a decision to live a carbon-neutral life. (翻译:考虑这点,下决心去拥有一个碳中性的生活。)

9. Zheng Xiyu and her colleagues have created a low-carbon working environment. (翻译:郑希瑜和同事们已经创设出一种低碳的工作氛围。)

10. A low molecular weight poly(DL lactide) containing carbon carbon bonds was synthesized from DL lactide, glycerin and fumaric acid. (翻译:由丙三醇、丙交酯和反丁烯二酸制得一含碳碳双健的低分子量聚酯。)

11. Friday night and the lights are low (翻译:Friday night and the lights are low)

12. Effect of Austenizing under an Electric Field on Microstructure and Hardenability of a Low Carbon Steel (翻译:在电场中奥氏体化对低碳钢显微组织及淬透性的影响)

13. your injections level is extremely low. (翻译:your injections level is extremely low.)

14. Low-carbon steel is often used as constructional steel, and low-carbon and medium-carbon steels are often used as machinery steel. (翻译:低碳钢常用作建筑用钢,机械用钢一般是低碳钢和中碳钢。)

15. I just got the lowdown from Bobby. (翻译:I just got the low down from Bobby.)

