
prepared是什么意思 prepared的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-25 08:34:38作者:烂好人



prepared是什么意思 prepared的中文翻译、读音、例句


- be prepared for:做好准备应对。

- get prepared:准备好。

- well-prepared:准备充分的。

- rly prepared:准备不充分的。

- prepared speech:准备好的演讲。

- prepared meal:预制的饭菜。

- prepared statement:准备好的声明。




1. Be prepared for the worst. 做好最坏的打算。

2. The students were well-prepared for the test. 学生们为考试准备充分。

3. He prepared a feast for his guests. 他为客人准备了一顿盛宴。

4. She was rly prepared for the job interview. 她为面试准备得不充分。

5. The company has prepared a detailed report. 公司准备了一份详细的报告。

6. The chef prepared a delicious meal. 厨师准备了一顿美味的饭菜。

7. The speaker delivered a well-prepared speech. 演讲者发表了一篇准备充分的演讲。

英 [prped] 美 [prperd]



1. I am prepared for any challenge that comes my way.(我已经为任何可能出现的挑战做好了准备。)

2. He always comes prepared to meetings with a detailed agenda.(他总是准备充分,带着详细的议程参加会议。)

3. The teacher prepared the cl for the final exam.(老师为期末考试做好了班级的准备。)




例句:Are you prepared to disobey? (你打算违抗吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Are you prepared to disobey?)


例句:I shall have the balsam prepared. (我会把香树脂准备好 I shall have the balsam prepared.)


例句:The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support. (皇帝愿意支持陛下 The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support.)


例句:Get prepared for the Z-DAY. (翻译:Get prepared for the Z -DAY.)


prepared一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在prepared by(编制;制表;承办)、prepared for([网络] 为……准备好;准备着;委托方)、prepared to([网络] 准备)等常见短语中出现较多。

prepared by编制;制表;承办
prepared for[网络] 为……准备好;准备着;委托方
prepared to[网络] 准备
prepared atmosphere制备气氛
prepared cane[食品] 蔗料
prepared cavity[医] 备填洞, 制备洞
prepared chalk[医] 精制白垩, 沉淀碳酸钙
prepared coalun. 精煤\n[网络] 洗选煤
prepared conductor制备导线


1. The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support. (翻译:皇帝愿意支持陛下 The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support.)

2. Get prepared for the Z-DAY. (翻译:Get prepared for the Z -DAY.)

3. All right Yousoundtoopretty, Maggie, to be cleaning bedpans (翻译:If you just prepared a little, you know, maybe went back to school?)

4. Granny is right, just be prepared (翻译:# 外婆说得没错 时刻准备好 # # Granny is right, just be prepared #)

5. You came here to get yourself prepared, and to get her prepared. (翻译:既然你来到这里,就要做好准备 也要让她做好准备)

6. Why are you prepared for this? (翻译:How do you know what to do here? Why are you prepared for this?)

7. If someone is prepared to offer it, (翻译:如果有人愿意提供帮助 If someone is prepared to offer it,)

8. We are prepared to overcome any obstacles. (翻译:任何阻碍都会被克服 We are prepared to overcome any obstacles.)

9. You are not prepared for the rigors of the journey ahead. (翻译:你还没有准备好面对旅途的艰难险阻 You are not prepared for the rigors of the journey ahead.)

10. You got to be prepared for some late nights. But... (翻译:你不得不为干夜班做准备 You got to be prepared for some late nights.)

11. But... we need to be prepared to. (翻译:但是 {\3cH202020}But... 我们得做好准备 {\3cH202020}we need to be prepared to.)

12. Dogs train for years to be prepared. (翻译:Dogs train for years to be prepared.)

13. Acquit yourself of your charge, for I have been long prepared. (翻译:不必过虑您的职责 Acquit yourself of your charge, 我早已备妥 for I have been long prepared.)

14. But they were not planned. (翻译:They were not prepared.)

15. Everything is prepared for the gas mask rehearsal, sir. (翻译:防毒面具排练一切就绪 先生 Everything is prepared for the gas mask rehearsal, sir.)



