
rosa caracciolo是什么意思 rosa caracciolo的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-25 06:04:37作者:封鲨

词义:Rosa Caracciolo是一个人名,指的是一位意大利电影演员。

rosa caracciolo是什么意思 rosa caracciolo的中文翻译、读音、例句

词性:Rosa Caracciolo是一个专有名词,属于名词类别。

词组搭配:Rosa Caracciolo没有特定的词组搭配,但可以与电影、演员、电影等相关的词汇组成搭配。


发音拼写:/rz krtl/


1. Rosa Caracciolo is one of the most famous Italian film actresses in the world.(Rosa Caracciolo是世界上最著名的意大利电影演员之一。)

2. She played the lead role in many films, receiving much praise for her performance.(她在许多电影中担任主角,因其表演而受到很多赞扬。)

3. Rosa Caracciolo's performances were often controversial, but she remained a popular figure in the industry.(Rosa Caracciolo的表演经常引起争议,但她仍然是业内一个备受欢迎的人物。)

4. Despite her success in films, Rosa Caracciolo eventually retired from the industry and pursued other interests.(尽管Rosa Caracciolo在电影方面很成功,但她最终退出了这个行业,并追求其他兴趣。)

5. Many fans of films still regard Rosa Caracciolo as one of the greatest actresses in the genre.(许多电影的粉丝仍然认为Rosa Caracciolo是该流派中最伟大的演员之一。)


