
教育社区用英语怎么说 教育社区英语翻译

更新时间:2023-12-24 15:56:37作者:如真

教育社区英语是"educational sociolo",其次还可以说成"teaching sociolo",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到30个与教育社区相关翻译和例句。

教育社区用英语怎么说 教育社区英语翻译

1. sceme( 中东教育社会改革;西亚教育社会改革;中东教诲社会改良)

2. O community deserved a new way of doing things.


1. in order to ge the specialization of the educational istration, the Chihli set up the Practice Office for education officers to impve their quality;


4. And so it is o responsibility as Jews and as members of this community to educate o community -- at least o congregation -- to the extent that we're able.

译文:那么这就是我们责任,作为犹太人 以及作为这个社区成员责任 去教育我们社区 —— 至少我们会众 — 尽我们所能。

5. Methods ic health education and life intervention were conducted among the DM patients in the form of the sodalities of the ward mates in community.


