
road是什么意思 road的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-18 22:48:14作者:菠萝蜜

1. 意义和用法

road是什么意思 road的中文翻译、读音、例句

"Road"是一个名词,指的是用于交通的路,既可以用于描述公路、高速公路、小道等各种类型的道路,也可以用于描述具体的道路名称,例如 "Oxford Road"。"Road"还可以作为缩写词使用,例如 "Rd.",用于表示道路名称缩写。

2. 常见搭配

1) on the road:在路上,旅途中

例句:He spent most of his time on the road, travelling from town to town. (他大部分时间都在路上,从一个城镇到另一个城镇旅行。)

2) off the road:从路上离开,暂停行驶

例句:The car swerved off the road and hit a tree. (车子突然偏离了路线,撞上了一棵树。)

3) cross the road:穿过马路

例句:Be careful when you cross the road. (穿过马路时要小心。)

4) hit the road:上路,出发

例句:We need to hit the road early if we want to arrive on time. (如果我们想准时到达,就需要早点出发。)

5) take to the road:上路行驶,开始旅行

例句:They took to the road in their camper van, exploring the countryside. (他们驾着露营车上路,探索乡村风光。)

3. 常见短语

1) a road trip:公路旅行

例句:We're planning a road trip through the Rocky Mountains this summer. (今年夏天我们计划穿越落基山脉进行公路旅行。)

2) a dead-end road:死胡同,只有一条路的道路

例句:The cabin was at the end of a dusty dead-end road. (小屋在一条灰尘飞扬的死胡同的尽头。)

3) a py road:艰难的旅程,充满挫折的道路

例句:Starting a new business is always a py road, but it's worth it in the end. (创业总是充满挫折的道路,但最终是值得的。)

4) a long and winding road:曲折漫长的道路

例句:The path to success is often a long and winding road, but perseverance pays off. (成功之路常常是一条曲折漫长的道路,但坚持不懈最终会得到回报。)

5) hit the open road:上路行驶,开始旅行

例句:After years of dreaming about it, she finally hit the open road and traveled across the country. (多年来一直梦想着,她终于上路行驶,穿越了整个国家。)

4. 相关词汇

1) highway:高速公路

例句:The highway was closed due to a major accident. (因为发生了一起重大事故,高速公路被关闭了。)

2) street:街道

例句:The street was packed with people shopping for Christmas gifts. (这条街上挤满了为圣诞礼物购物的人们。)

3) lane:车道

例句:The left lane is for ping only. (左侧车道只能用来超车。)

4) avenue:大道

例句:The shops on Fifth Avenue are some of the most expensive in the city. (第五大道上的商店是城市里最昂贵的商店之一。)

5) intersection:十字路口

例句:The intersection was closed for construction. (因为施工,这个十字路口被关闭了。)




1. The road was blocked due to an accident.(这条路因为事故被堵了。)

2. I'm afraid we'll have to walk along the road to get to the village.(恐怕我们得沿着这条路走才能到达村庄。)

3. The road to success is not easy, but it's worth it.(成功之路不容易,但它是值得的。)




例句:It was an accident. There were no other skid marks From another vehicle, (It was an accident. 路面很光滑 The road was slick.)


例句:♪ I get on the road and ride to you ♪ (? I get on the road and ride to you ?)


例句:Which way to Wamport Road? (王婆路怎么走? Which way to Wamport Road?)


例句:Eyes out on the road but no one comes along (翻译:Eyes out on the road but no one comes along)


road一般作为名词、动词使用,如在for the road(为了送行,祝一路平安)、in ... road([网络] 转弯;拐弯)、in the road(挡路)等常见短语中出现较多。

for the road为了送行,祝一路平安
in ... road[网络] 转弯;拐弯
in the road挡路
of the Road[网络] 我们在路旁发现他们;路中间上有个洞
on the road在旅途中, 在...过程中
road to[网络] 之路;通往……的道路;进军
the road to[网络] 通向……之路;到…的路;公开讲座
this road[网络] 这条路;下个月修这条路
dip road直达采区巷道


1. Which way to Wamport Road? (翻译:王婆路怎么走? Which way to Wamport Road?)

2. Eyes out on the road but no one comes along (翻译:Eyes out on the road but no one comes along)

3. Rool, you fool, get out of the road! (翻译:Rool, 你个, get out of the road!)

4. Block off the road in both directions. (翻译:Block off the road in both directions. Good lad.)

5. This is the fork in the road for both teams. (翻译:This is the fork in the road for both teams.)

6. Meet me on the access road! (翻译:在入口的路上等我! Meet me on the access road!)

7. Watch out, the road is slippery (翻译:当心,路很滑 Watch out, the road is slippery)

8. Somebody blocked the road. (翻译:有人把路堵上了 Somebody blocked the road.)

9. Let me know if I let it fall along a back road somewhere (翻译:Let me know if I let it fall along a back road somewhere)

10. This is a road and here, look this is a road. (翻译:这边的这条路 听着... This is a road and here, look... 是这条路 ...this is a road.)

11. Time to hit the road, Austin. (翻译:该走了 Austin Time to hit the road, Austin.)

12. just another mad, mad day on the road (翻译:# just another mad, mad day on the road #)

13. Fork in the road, you see a sign, (翻译:Fork in the road, you see a sign,)

14. ! They were a great band, Middle Of The Road. (翻译:那是个不错的乐队是吧 Middle Of the Road)

15. I ran into him on the road. (翻译:I ran into him on the road.)



