
云逸用英语怎么说 云逸的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-12-24 13:56:37作者:薄命人i

云逸用英语翻译为"esoft",还经常被译作passed balls,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到93个与云逸相关短语翻译和用法。

Leisely Clouds and Wat ( 云水逸 )

cloud base detrainment instability ( 云底逸出不稳度 )

云逸用英语怎么说 云逸的英语翻译

1. Well, this time it's for keeps.

2. None of dat is my business anyway.

3. - Who else! Umpf. - You are Cloudy.

4. Cloud East into the wind, rain, Yun Xianan, water waves, cloud wesard, under her clothes.


5. Once and all and for- forr.

6. Lewis, you want yo body armor?

7. And my emotional stability is leaving me

8. in the clouds in the sky and make pictes out of the clouds.

9. Too long i've lived. Too much i've seen.

10. - Miss McDowell, Dr. Gorsen.

11. Mr. Evans, Mr. Evans, please contact Mrs. Evans.

12. - Go, Hyunji! - Go, Hyunji!

