
jewellery是什么意思 jewellery的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-24 11:54:37作者:-宁缺毋滥-

jewellery是什么意思 jewellery的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 拼写和发音:jewellery是英国英语拼写和发音,而jewelry是美国英语拼写和发音。学生需要注意这一点,以便正确拼写和发音。


- She loves to wear elegant jewellery.

- I have a small collection of vintage jewelry.

- The jeweler examined the diamond under a microscope.

2. 类型和材料:jewellery可以是指各种不同类型的装饰品,包括项链,手镯,戒指等等。同时,它还可以由不同的材料制成,例如黄金,白金,银等等。学生需要学习这些不同类型和材料,以便更好地理解和描述它们。


- This necklace is made of pearls and gold.

- These silver bangles are beautiful.

- I received a diamond ring for my engagement.

3. 历史和文化:jewellery在很多不同的文化和历史中都有着重要的地位。学生需要了解不同文化和历史中的jewellery的用途和象征意义,以便更好地理解和欣赏它们。


- Ancient Egyptians believed that jewellery had protective powers.

- In many cultures, a wedding ring is a symbol of love and commitment.

- Traditional Indian jewellery is colorful and intricate.


- 她喜欢戴精致的珠宝。

- 我有一小组复古珠宝。

- 珠宝商在显微镜下检查了钻石。


- 这条项链是由珍珠和黄金制成的。

- 这些银手镯很漂亮。

- 我收到了一枚钻石戒指作为订婚礼物。


- 古埃及人相信珠宝具有保护力。

- 在许多文化中,结婚戒指是爱和承诺的象征。

- 传统的印度珠宝色彩丰富、复杂。




1. She wore a stunning piece of jewellery at the awards ceremony.(她在颁奖典礼上戴着一件惊艳的首饰。)

2. The jewellery store offers a wide selection of earrings, necklaces and bracelets.(这家珠宝店提供各种各样的耳环、项链和手链。)

3. The thieves stole a large amount of jewellery from the store.(小偷从店里偷走了大量的珠宝。)

jewellery在中文中有"宝石 、珠宝"的意思,在英美地区还有"物"的意思,在线读音是['du:lri],jewellery常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到13个与jewellery相关的例句。



例句:Now that you know the truth about Sobibor, will you still make jewellery for them? (现在你知道了,你还为他们制作首饰吗?)


例句:My father owns a jewellery store. I think I can spot a fake. How much? (我父亲有个珠宝店 我能监别真伪,要多少?)


例句:Affair of the heart with a young jewellery designer! (浪漫的爱情\ n在一个年轻的珠宝设计师!)


例句:Socks and Stockings, Leather Goods and Accessories, Jewelry, Leather Belts, Supsenders, formalwear, Hosiery Socks, Jewellery and Neckwear. (翻译:采购产品袜子和长袜,皮革商品和配件,珠宝,皮革带子,正装,袜子,珠宝和领子。)


jewellery一般作为名词使用,如在enamelled jewellery(珐琅首饰)、gold jewellery([网络] 金首饰;金饰品类;珠宝)、jewellery armoire([网络] 珠宝连衣裙)等常见短语中出现较多。

enamelled jewellery珐琅首饰
gold jewellery[网络] 金首饰;金饰品类;珠宝
jewellery armoire[网络] 珠宝连衣裙
jewellery armoires[网络] 珠宝首饰
jewellery box[网络] 首饰盒;珠宝盒;首饰收纳盒
jewellery case[网络] 珠宝盒;首饰箱
jewellery cleaner珠宝清洗剂
jewellery insurance[经] 珠宝保险
jewellery store珠宝店


1. Affair of the heart with a young jewellery designer! (翻译:浪漫的爱情\ n在一个年轻的珠宝设计师!)

2. Socks and Stockings, Leather Goods and Accessories, Jewelry, Leather Belts, Supsenders, formalwear, Hosiery Socks, Jewellery and Neckwear. (翻译:采购产品袜子和长袜,皮革商品和配件,珠宝,皮革带子,正装,袜子,珠宝和领子。)

3. For that is exactly what Majerus does with the jewellery she creates from her own teeth. (翻译:马洁鲁也确实这样做了,她用自己的牙齿来创作首饰。)

4. Jewellery: cuff bracelets and slave bangles in metallics and bright plastic. (翻译:金属或亮塑料手镯和脚链,链子上要镶有彩色宝石。)

5. Mrs Ebert says that this piece of jewellery was "her own guardian angel". (翻译:艾伯特太太说,这串珠宝是自己的“守护神”。)

6. I design jewellery with gold. And precious stones. (翻译:用金子跟宝石做首饰 I design jewellery with gold and precious stones.)

7. Traditional Salwar Kameez, Traditional Jewellery, Gift Articles, Mens Wear, Handicrafts, Jackets, Skirts, Tops, Trousers. (翻译:采购产品传统的珠宝,礼品,男人衣服,手工艺,夹克,裙子,顶端,裤子。)

8. She has some lovely pieces of jewellery. (翻译:她有几件漂亮的首饰。)

9. Mathilde had no jewellery of her own; she had to borrow a necklace from her friend. (翻译:玛蒂尔德自己没有珠宝,她不得不向朋友借一条项链。)

10. The spouses declare being in possession of all their clothes, jewellery and personal effects or family heirlooms. (翻译:配偶双方声明: 各自拥有其衣物、 珠宝、个人财产或传家宝。)

11. A piece ofj... I've never worn jewellery before. (翻译:- 哦 是嘛? 我原来从没戴过项链的 谢了 哥们)

12. His mother left perfectly good jewellery. It's just sitting there at the bank. (翻译:留下这么好的珠宝 一定是放在银行里了)

13. Shulman, an actor and jewellery designer, collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler. (翻译:男星舒尔曼还是一名珠宝设计师,他与科怀特遗产珠宝公司共同设计了这枚订婚戒指。)

14. His wife raised the money for his research by selling her jewellery. (翻译:他的妻子卖掉了首饰为他的研究工作筹集资金。)

15. Home is not a car or some sort of jewellery. (翻译:我说的家,不是一辆车, 更不是首饰珠宝, )



