
adolescents是什么意思 adolescents的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-24 09:24:37作者:决裂

adolescents是什么意思 adolescents的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word 'adolescents' from the following five aspects:

1. Definition: Adolescents refer to young people who are going through the stage of rty, typically between the ages of 13 and 19.

2. Synonyms: agers, youth, minors, young s, scents.

3. Characteristics: Adolescents often experience physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, and they may feel confused, insecure, and rebellious. They are also trying to ert their independence and identity, and they may struggle with peer pressure, social norms, and academic expectations.

4. Education: Teachers need to be aware of the special needs and challenges of adolescents, and they should create a supportive and stimulating learning environment that fosters their growth, creativity, and self-esteem. Teachers can also use various teaching methods and materials that cater to their interests and abilities, such as group work, debates, games, and .

5. Communication: Teachers should communicate effectively with adolescents, using clear and respectful language, active listening, and empathy. Teachers should also encourage adolescents to express their opinions, feelings, and questions, and to partite in clroom discussions and activities.

Here are five examples of English sentences that use the word 'adolescents':

1. Many adolescents struggle with peer pressure and social anxiety.


2. Adolescents need guidance and support from their parents and teachers to navigate the complexities of life.


3. Some adolescents rebel against authority and rules as a way of erting their independence and identity.


4. Teachers can use technology and to engage and inspire adolescents in their learning.


5. Effective communication is essential for building trust and rapport between teachers and adolescents.



读音:o li sn


1. Adolescents need guidance and support from their parents and teachers to navigate through the challenges of adolescence.


2. The adolescent years are often characterized by rapid physical growth and emotional turbulence.





例句:Objective: To understand the state of ego-centrism of adolescents. (目的:对高中生的自我中心状况进行初步调查。)


例句:This year's World Diabetes Day campaign is about children and adolescents. One of the organizers is Doctor Francine Kaufman. (今年的世界糖尿病日的主题是儿童与青少年。医生)


例句:What I'm about to share with you are findings from a study of the brains of more than 1,000 children and adolescents. (我要和你们分享 一项研究的成果, 这项研究是关于 1000个儿童和青少年的大脑。)


1. What I'm about to share with you are findings from a study of the brains of more than 1,000 children and adolescents. (翻译:我要和你们分享 一项研究的成果, 这项研究是关于 1000个儿童和青少年的大脑。)

2. Adolescents like to question things and they like to be invited to think for themselves. (翻译:青少年喜欢问问题, 并且他们喜欢被邀请 为他们自己思考。)

3. Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder generally are treated with lithium, but valproate and carbamazepine also are used. (翻译:儿童和青少年患者常使用锂盐治疗,但也使用丙戌酸钠和卡马西平。)

4. You know, it's... that's sort of what adolescents do. (翻译:你知道,这是.. 这是那种 青少年怎样做。)

5. Since 1980, the total number of overweight and obese Americans has doubled, with twice as many overweight children and three times as many overweight adolescents. (翻译:从xx年起 美国总肥胖人数成长是双倍的 孩子的过重比例成长两倍)

6. He looks about 17 or 18 Orphanages won't take in adolescents like him (翻译:还有他是外星人吗 都不识字吗 也不会讲话吗)

7. This practical manual offers a step-by-step guide to the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents. (翻译:这本实用的一个分步指南青少年的神经性厌食症的治疗手册提供。)

8. Boostrix was originally approved on May 3, 2005, for use in adolescents ages 10 years through 18 years. (翻译:Boostrix原先已在xx年被批准在xx岁至xx岁青少年中使用。)

9. Boostrix was originally approved on May 3, 2005, for use in adolescents ages 10 years through 18 years. (翻译:Boostrix原先已在xx年被批准在xx岁至xx岁青少年中使用。)

10. And the problem is that a lot of people now, especially adolescents, have to go through two adolescences. (翻译:问题是现在很多人 特别是青少年 要经历两个青春期。)

11. Isn't it enough that I'm willing to subject myself to the humiliation of Cotillion with a bunch of adolescents? (翻译:我愿意和一帮青少年一起去参加那该死的沙龙舞会 这还不够么?)

12. To investigate the infection of Entamoeba gingivalis in adolescents and its relationship with oral diseases. (翻译:为了调查青少年齿龈内阿米巴的感染情况,探讨其与口腔疾患的关系。)

13. As careers and vocations become less available during times of recession, adolescents may be especially hard hit. (翻译:在经济衰退时期,职业和工作机会越来越少,青少年可能会受到特别严重的打击。)

14. Roberto Lucchini of the University of Brescia in Italy reported much the same for adolescents living in communities around now-closed iron-alloy manufacturing plants. (翻译:意大利布雷西亚大学的罗伯托卢基尼的报告大致与此相同:原铁合金生产厂附近社区的青少年中,也有这种现象,那些生产厂现已关闭。)

15. Objective To understand the differences between retinoscopy andautorefractor in children and adolescents' nearsightedness. (翻译:目的了解儿童近视检影验光与自动验光仪验光的差异。)

