
pusch是什么意思 pusch的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-23 17:16:36作者:拥你心安

'pusch' 不是一个常见的英语单词,但可以通过不同的语境给出不同的解释:

pusch是什么意思 pusch的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:在德语中,'pusch'可以解释为'推'或'推进'的意思。

2. 词性:'pusch'在德语中是一个名词或动词。

3. 词组搭配:'pusch'可以与其他词组合成不同的短语,如「miver Pusch」或「starker Pusch」,意思分别是'强烈的推进'或'巨量的推进'。

4. 短语:根据语境,'pusch'可以表达不同的含义,如可以用于形容比赛中的精神斗志、推进项目的力度等。

5. 发音:'pusch'的发音为/p/。


1. Die Mannschaft hat einen starken Pusch und kmpft bis zum Schluss. (The team has a strong push and fights until the end.)

2. Der Pusch im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien hat zu erheblichen Fortschritten gefhrt. (The push in the field of renewable energies has led to significant progress.)

3. Er gibt dem Ball einen krftigen Pusch und trifft das Tor. (He gives the ball a powerful push and hits the goal.)

4. Der Chef mchte einen miven Pusch fr das neue Projekt starten. (The boss wants to start a mive push for the new project.)

5. Die Regierung plant, einen starken Pusch fr den ffentlichen Verkehr zu machen. (The government plans to make a strong push for public transportation.)

6. Sie gibt sich immer den letzten Pusch und erreicht damit ihre Ziele. (She always gives herself the final push and achieves her goals.)

7. Der Pusch der Zuschauer gab dem Spieler die ntige Motivation, um das Spiel zu gewinnen. (The push from the spectators gave the player the necessary motivation to win the game.)

'pusch' 是一个德语单词,意思是“推”、“推动”。




1. Der Fupieler puschte den Ball ins Tor. (这名足球运动员把球推进了球门。)

2. Die Regierung puscht die Wirtschaft durch Investitionen. (通过投资推动经济。)


1. The football player pushed the ball into the goal.

2. The government is boosting the economy through investments.




例句:It was that year that Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi meet Chang Xun. (当年就在此地接见章新的 溥仪一直认为自己)


例句:The composite painting process integrates the advantages of a PU paint and a UV paint, and overcomes the weaknesses of the two paints. (采用这种复合涂装工艺的好处是能兼顾PU和UV两种油漆的优点,克服两种油漆各自的弱点。)


例句:Just the other day,he and I were laughing over... a pu-pu platter,and now... (前一天 他和我还一起笑话... 一个清洁工 可现在...)


例句:One of applications of rosin in PU paint is rosin ester resin modified polyisocyanate prepolymer. (翻译:松香酯树脂改性多异氰酸酯预聚物是松香在PU涂料中应用的一个途径。)


1. Just the other day,he and I were laughing over... a pu-pu platter,and now... (翻译:前一天 他和我还一起笑话... 一个清洁工 可现在...)

2. One of applications of rosin in PU paint is rosin ester resin modified polyisocyanate prepolymer. (翻译:松香酯树脂改性多异氰酸酯预聚物是松香在PU涂料中应用的一个途径。)

3. Coagulant bath temperature had a strong influence on PU, PES composite flat membrane. (翻译:凝固浴温度对填充聚合物平板膜有很大影响。)

4. The scope he encountered-- the PU scope-- it was similar to this, and Carlos being an outstanding marksman, (翻译:一枪 一个破碎的瞄准镜 一个死亡的COBRA Carlos Hath传奇生涯中的一幕)

5. Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch? Chter from Germany. (翻译:来自德国的迪克设计的漂亮的排字印刷地图。)

6. Study of Moulding of PU Film with Riblets for Drag Reduction by Extruding-Rolling Technology (翻译:挤出辊型法成型减阻用聚氨酯沟纹膜层的研究)

7. Pu-erh tea is available as loose leaf or as cakes of compacted tea. (翻译:现在市场上既可以买到散装的普洱茶也可以买到压缩而成的饼茶。)

8. Effective evaluation of measures against occupational dimethyl formamide hazards in a PU-leather plant (翻译:某PU革企业二甲基甲酰胺职业危害治理措施效果评价)

9. Would you prefer I'd be childish, self-centered or make grimaces? (翻译:你更喜欢我幼稚自私的时候吗 Tu prfres quand je suis puril, gocentrique?)

10. Basic hardware knowledge, can read SCH. (翻译:基本的硬件知识,能看懂原理图。)

11. Chinese Pu 'er Tea, Yang Jianming, Yunnan Art Publishing Press. (翻译:杨建明主编《中国普洱茶》云南美术出版社出版。)

12. We prepared PU-dyes nano-encapsules with ultrasonic technique. (翻译:实验还制备了聚氨酯纳米载染料微球。)

13. "Before it affects Earth. we can only use Pu yee da ty" (翻译:在影响地上界之前 必须对蓓儿丹娣使用疫苗了)

14. The project was realised by ZAK in cooperation with the Fertilizer Research Institute in Pu? awy. (翻译:该项目是由ZAK的实现与肥料研究所普瓦维合作。)

15. Seiko produced products, hair-formation, anastomosis of good, rich feel, otherwise nice PU material, PVC particles of the sets. (翻译:产品精工制作,毛面平整,吻合性好,富于手感,美观大方另有PU材质、PVC颗粒把套。)

