
bait是什么意思 bait的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-18 17:18:14作者:萢萢煻℡


1. 词性:bait是一个名词或动词,b.是“比特(bit)”的缩写。

bait是什么意思 bait的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词义:



3. 用法:可用于日常会话、写作等场合。

4. 常见搭配:

bait and switch:欺骗性的商品宣传手段。

bait car:警方用作陷阱的汽车,通常用于捕捉小偷。

fish bait:鱼饵。

take the bait:上当受骗。


1. He used a worm as bait to catch the fish. 他用蚯蚓当鱼饵来钓鱼。

2. Don't take the bait and get into an argument with him. 不要上当受骗,和他争吵。

3. The bait and switch tactic is illegal in many countries. 在许多国家,欺骗性的宣传手段是非法的。

4. The police set up a bait car to catch the thief. 警方设立了一个“诱饵车”来抓小偷。

5. He baited the dog with a bone to get it to come inside. 他用骨头引诱狗进屋。



1. He used a worm as bait to catch the fish. (他用蚯蚓作鱼饵来钓鱼。)

2. The advertit was just a bait to attract more customers. (广告只是为了吸引更多客户的诱饵。)

3. She felt like she was being baited into an argument that she didn't want to have. (她感觉自己被引诱进了一场她不想参与的争论中。)




例句:Well... one of us will have to act as bait. (我们之一必须当饵 Well... one of us will have to act as bait.)


例句:Cami, if we do this, you're the bait. (Cami 如果我们要这么干 你就是那个诱饵)


例句:- Thank you for coming back. (- Victoria took the bait.)


例句:This type of trap uses no bait or other attractant. (翻译:这种陷阱不用诱饵或其他引诱物。)


bait一般作为名词、动词使用,如在draft bait(必须立即应征入伍者)、fish bait(钩饵;饵料)、fishing bait(钓饵料)等常见短语中出现较多。

draft bait必须立即应征入伍者
fish bait钩饵;饵料
fishing bait钓饵料
Flame bait不良信息饵,网上论坛有意煽风点火的论调或文章
fly bait[俚语]死尸,尸体
fresh bait鲜饵
frozen bait冷冻饵(料)
gator bait[网络] 风扇车
ground bait投放诱饵


1. - Thank you for coming back. (翻译:- Victoria took the bait.)

2. This type of trap uses no bait or other attractant. (翻译:这种陷阱不用诱饵或其他引诱物。)

3. Professor Schlein led the sweet bait research. (翻译:Schlein教授领导了这项甜味诱饵研究。)

4. They said that I was the bait. (翻译:They said that I was the bait.)

5. They took the bait, sir, and they're on their way to Liquid Silver for the girl. (翻译:他们见到了诱饵,长官 他们正在去Liquid Silver救那女孩的路上)

6. Is that why you're using an innocent woman as bait? (翻译:那如果你知道你将被处决 又为什么跟着我一起来?)

7. Remember when I said you being bait was a bad plan? (翻译:什么? 记得我说过 由你来当诱饵是个馊主意吗?)

8. - We can use Cordelia as bait. (翻译:- 我们可以拿Cordelia作诱饵 - 太棒了! 诱饵?)

9. Nah, you used yourself as bait. (翻译:不 你拿你自己当诱饵 Nah, you used yourself as bait.)

10. It was only later I realized it was bait. (翻译:之后我才意识到 这是个诱饵 It was only later I realized it was bait.)

11. One false move and you're shark bait! (翻译:你们要是有任何企图 我立刻把你们丢到海里去)

12. The fish took the bait. (翻译:鱼咬了钓饵。)

13. At this depth, the fish bait provides a rare treat. (翻译:在这个深度,鱼饵变成了它们难得一见的美食)

14. Eh, fishing with the wrong bait. (翻译:呃 我们用错诱饵了 Eh, fishing with the wrong bait.)

15. The mole in our office took the bait, and sent this to their co-conspirators. (翻译:司令部里的内鬼信以为真 就发出了行动的情报)

