
intended for是什么意思 intended for的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-04 17:49:57作者:小澎湃

1. 定义:'intended for'一般用于表达某个东西或者某个行为的目的或意图。

2. 用途:'intended for'常用于以下情况:

intended for是什么意思 intended for的中文翻译、读音、例句

- 指出某个物品或活动是为了特定的人或目的而设计或创造的。

- 说明某个消息或信息的接收者或受众。

- 表达某个计划或行为的特定目的或意向。

- 指明某个事物或行为是为了特定的目的而发生的。

- 表示某个行为或措施是为了防止或避免某个问题或后果而采取的。

3. 实例:

- This medicine is intended for s only. (这种药只适用于成年人。)

- This meeting is intended for department heads only. (这个会议只面向部门主管。)

- This email is intended for your eyes only. (这封邮件仅供你查看。)

- This book is intended for beginners. (这本书适合初学者。)

- This donation is intended for the relief of earthquake victims. (这份捐款旨在帮助地震受害者。)

- This warning label is intended for users of this product. (这个警示标签是为使用这个产品的人而设计的。)

- This policy is intended for the protection of the environment. (这项政策旨在保护环境。)

- This action is intended for the prevention of accidents. (这个行为是为了防止事故而采取的。)

- This training program is intended for employees in the sales department. (这个培训计划是为销售部门的员工而设计的。)

- This message is intended for the attention of the CEO. (这个消息是为CEO关注而设的。)

4. 注意事项:使用'intended for'时,需要清楚指出所指的对象或目的,以免出现歧义或误解。

读音:in-ten-did fawr



1. This software is intended for professionals in the photo editing industry. (这款软件旨在为照片编辑行业的专业人士设计)

2. The new park is intended for families to enjoy outdoor activities together. (这个新公园用作为家庭一起享受户外活动而设计)

3. The medication is intended for the treatment of high blood pressure. (这种药物是为治疗高血压而设计的)

intended for的意思是"打算给、网络",其次还有"发交"的意思,发音是[intendedfor],intended for在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到87个与intended for相关的句子。

Intended for的中文翻译


例句:- The gun's intended for recreational use. (- 休闲是主要用途 - 谁? 农夫?)


例句:The intended victim was a woman named Meg Malden. (原本的目标是一名叫Meg Malden的女性)


例句:They intended to invest hugely in new technology. (他们打算在新技术方面投入大量资金。)


例句:The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap. (翻译:这种安排不过是权宜之计而已。)


intended for一般作为名词使用,如在intended(a. 有意的, 故意的\nn. 未婚夫(妻))、intended to([网络] 原打算;本盘算)、intended audience(目标受众\n阅读对象)等常见短语中出现较多。

intendeda. 有意的, 故意的\nn. 未婚夫(妻)
intended to[网络] 原打算;本盘算
intended audience目标受众\n阅读对象
intended course计划航向
intended curriculum意图的课程
intended dividend[网络] 拟宣布摊还债款;拟公布摊还债款;拟宣告摊还债款
intended effect[医]期望效应; 效验
intended function预期功能,预期作用
intended interpretation[计] 预期解释


1. They intended to invest hugely in new technology. (翻译:他们打算在新技术方面投入大量资金。)

2. The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap. (翻译:这种安排不过是权宜之计而已。)

3. But smallpox was the fourth disease that was intended for eradication. (翻译:但天花是人类历史上第四次发起针对疾病的行动 )

4. It's not what God intended. (翻译:这可不是上帝的旨意 尤其是像我们这样的人)

5. I never intended for things between us to come to this point. (翻译:我不从希望我们之间闹成这样 I never intended for things between us to come to this point. 感谢你这么说 I appreciate that.)

6. Fate intended it for another time. (翻译:命运将它改期 不是延期 Fate intended it for another time.)

7. Intended to cause the ... - depends on you, Brian ... (翻译:本来不打算使... - 取决于你,布莱恩...)

8. This material was originally intended for your wedding to the Prince (翻译:这茜素红 原本是待你与太子成婚时 赐给你做嫁衣的)

9. It was intended for me, - in case I was ever exposed. (翻译:in case I was ever exposed.)

10. May I ask an impertinent question, with no criticism intended? (翻译:我能冒昧的问你下吗 并不是故意的去指责?)

11. And Italy becomes rich as the Savior intended. (翻译:然后意大利就会富起来 And Italy becomes rich as the Savior intended. 就像救世主事先安排的一样)

12. He intended to take Ophelia into his arms. (翻译:他想要把欧菲莉亚抱入怀中。)

13. Darling natalie" was intended as a joint release? (翻译:这么说本来确实要以 Darling Natalie联名推出的?)

14. And so what I say here tonight is not intended to... to be hurtful to anyone. (翻译:And so what I say here tonight 所以我说,今晚在这里 is not intended to...)

15. These feeding recommendations are not intended for gestating or lactating animals. (翻译:以上这些喂养建议并非为哺乳或者怀孕的动物所设计。)

