
dustbin是什么意思 dustbin的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-04 12:07:58作者:忆童

dustbin是什么意思 dustbin的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词源学:单词“dustbin”源自英语“dust”(灰尘)和“bin”(箱子)的组合。这个单词的最初用途是指用于储存灰尘或废弃物的箱子,后来逐渐演变成现代垃圾桶。

2. 用途:dustbin通常用于收集外部空气中的杂物,如贝壳、叶子、石子、废纸、烟蒂等,以便清理和丢弃。垃圾桶也可用于家庭、学校和办公室的内部使用。

3. 材料和设计:现代垃圾桶通常由坚固的塑料或金属制成,可以承受垃圾的重量和耐受性。垃圾箱的设计也考虑到了方便的清理和管理,以及避免垃圾外溢和异味。


1. Please throw the used paper in the dustbin.


2. We need to empty the dustbin before it overflows.


3. The dustbin is full, so please take out the trash.


4. Don't throw the candy wrapper on the ground, put it in the dustbin.


5. The teacher asked the students to clean up their desks and throw the waste into the dustbin.






1. Please throw the empty cans into the dustbin.


2. The streets were littered with garbage, and the dustbins were overflowing.


dustbin在中文中有"垃圾箱 、常置于房外的"的意思,其次还有"塑料垃圾桶"的意思,读音为['dstbin],dustbin是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到84个与dustbin相关的例句。



例句:First day he could walk, he threw them straight in the dustbin and wouldn't hear a word I said not to. (能下地走路的第一天 他就不听我劝 把它们全丢进垃圾桶了)


例句:Early the next morning, a man took me out of a dustbin. (第二天一大早,一个男人把我从垃圾桶里取出来。)


例句:I jumped offthe bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. (我跳下自行车,跑回去拾起香蕉皮,并扔到了路边的垃圾箱里。)


例句:The world that I am describing to you is simultaneously libertarian, in that it prioritizes empowered individuals, Marxist, since it will have confined to the dustbin of history the division between capital and labor, and Keynesian, global Keynesian. (翻译:我向你们描述的这个世界, 同时是自由的, 因为它使被赋予权力的 个体们优先化, 主义, 由于它将局限于历史的垃圾箱, 资本和劳动之间的分割, 还有凯恩斯主义, 全球化的凯恩斯主义。)


dustbin一般作为名词使用,如在dustbin man(ph. 【英】清洁队员)等常见短语中出现较多。

dustbin manph. 【英】清洁队员


1. I jumped offthe bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. (翻译:我跳下自行车,跑回去拾起香蕉皮,并扔到了路边的垃圾箱里。)

2. The world that I am describing to you is simultaneously libertarian, in that it prioritizes empowered individuals, Marxist, since it will have confined to the dustbin of history the division between capital and labor, and Keynesian, global Keynesian. (翻译:我向你们描述的这个世界, 同时是自由的, 因为它使被赋予权力的 个体们优先化, 主义, 由于它将局限于历史的垃圾箱, 资本和劳动之间的分割, 还有凯恩斯主义, 全球化的凯恩斯主义。)

3. Man has used the oceans like a dustbin for far too long. (翻译:从很久很久以前,人类就把海洋当作垃圾桶来使用了。)

4. I jumped off the bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. (翻译:我跳下车,跑回去把香蕉皮捡起来扔到路边的垃圾箱。看到这我朋友表扬了我。我感到非常高兴。)

5. It is also equipped with capacious dustbin. (翻译:它还配有大容量的垃圾箱。)

6. If it's my last salary, then it goes here in my pocket... and if it's a notice to vacate this room then throw it in the dustbin. (翻译:如果是我最后的薪水,就放在我口袋里 如果是要我腾出这个房子,就扔到垃圾箱里)

7. But the first and foremost task is to throw the long, smelly foot-bindings of the slattern into the dustbin (翻译:但是主要的和首先的任务,是把那些又长又臭的懒婆裹脚,赶快扔到垃圾桶里去。)

8. Netflix (NFLX) today declared war on DVDs, pledging to relegate them to the same dustbin that is occupied by VHS and Betamax tapes. (翻译:Netflix今天宣布对DVD开战,誓将DVD如同VHS录像带和Betamax录像带一样扫进垃圾箱。)

9. First day he could walk, he threw them straight in the dustbin, and wouldn't hear a word I said not to. (翻译:刚能走路,他就把它们扔到垃圾桶里了,我怎么说也不听)

10. Yeah, well, wait till Mom finally opens her mouth. Do you think they're headed for, like, the dustbin of history? (翻译:是啊, 那就等妈开金口了 你认为他们会走向..)

11. Leonid Brezhnev and PW Botha are consigned to the dustbin of history. (翻译:勃列日涅夫和博塔都被扔进历史的垃圾堆中。)

12. Then she threw me into a dustbin. (翻译:然后她把我扔进了垃圾箱。)

13. I shall sweep that into the dustbin, straightaway. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}我得马上把那些扫到垃圾桶去 I shall sweep that into the dustbin, straightaway.)

14. The tendency of many economists to sweep noneconomic factors into the dustbin of ceteris paribus is indeed regrettable. (翻译:许多经济学家倾向于将非经济因素视为垃圾,这真是令人遗憾。)

15. A bomb planted in a dustbin exploded early today. (翻译:一枚安置在一个垃圾桶内的今天清早爆炸了。)



