
cca是什么意思 cca的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-04 08:54:15作者:小任性

1. 词义:'cca' 是一个缩写词,可以表示许多不同的事物,具体如下:

- California College of the Arts:加州艺术学院

cca是什么意思 cca的中文翻译、读音、例句

- Canadian Chiropractic Association:加拿大脊椎协会

- Competition Commission of Australia:澳大利亚竞赛委员会

- Chromated Copper Arsenate:铬铜砷盐,一种用于防腐的化学品

2. 词性:'cca' 是一个缩写词,并没有词性。

3. 词组搭配:'cca' 这个缩写词通常不和其他单词组成词组。

4. 短语:'cca' 作为缩写词,在语法上并没有短语这一概念。

5. 发音拼写:'cca' 的发音是 /si si ei/。

以下是 5 个中英文例句:

1. She studied art and design at CCA, which prepared her for a career in graphic design.(她在CCA学习了艺术和设计,为她的平面设计事业做好了准备。)

2. The CCA has a strict code of ethics that all members must abide by.(CCA有严格的职业道德准则,所有成员必须遵守。)

3. The CCA regulates competition in Australia to ensure fair and open markets.(CCA监管澳大利亚的竞争,确保公平和开放的市场。)

4. The use of CCA-treated wood has been banned in many countries due to health concerns.(由于健康问题,许多国家已禁止使用CCA处理的木材。)

5. He represents the CCA in meetings with government officials and other industry ociations.(他代表CCA与官员和其他行业协会进行会议。)

该词语“CCA”来源于英语,是“Certified Coding Associate”的缩写,意思是认证编码专员。这是一种由美国医疗信息管理协会(AHIMA)颁发的医学编码资格认证。经过培训和考试后,获得该认证的人员可以负责医疗记录编码、电子健康记录等方面的工作。


1. After ping the CCA exam, I became a certified coding ociate.(通过了CCA考试后,我成为了认证编码专员。)

2. Many hospitals require their coding staff to have a CCA certification.(很多医院要求其编码人员具有CCA认证。)

3. The CCA exam covers a wide range of medical coding knowledge.(CCA考试涵盖了广泛的医疗编码知识。)

4. AHIMA is the organization that issues the CCA certification.(AHIMA是发放CCA认证的机构。)

5. Studying for the CCA exam requires a lot of dedication and hard work.(为了准备CCA考试需要非常的专注和努力。)

6. CCA credential holders must adhere to a strict code of ethics.(CCA持证人必须遵守严格的职业道德准则。)

7. The CCA certification is highly respected in the healthcare industry.(CCA认证在医疗行业中备受尊重。)

8. The CCA exam includes questions about anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.(CCA考试包括与解剖学、生理学和医学术语相关的问题。)

9. I decided to pursue the CCA certification to advance my career in medical coding.(我决定追求CCA认证,以在医疗编码领域推进我的职业发展。)

cca通常是指“加拿大建筑师协会”(Canadian Architectural Association)或“加拿大艺术指导协会”(Canadian Art Directors Association),也可能是缩写词或组织名称的一部分,具体意思需要根据上下文来确定。



1. She is a member of the CCA and has won several awards for her architectural designs.


2. The CCA is a professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in architecture and design.





例句:For example, what we don't know about is this CCA deal... and all the other CCA deals. (比如说,我们不知道 这个美国通讯公司的交易 还有其他的美国通讯公司的交易)


例句:The Arab takeover of CCA has been stopped. (伯人接手美国通讯公司的 交易被终止了)


例句:It's a Pilgrim 7000, property of CCA... the construction company in charge of the outer wall. (那是个PILGRIM7000 是CCA财产 外墙的承建公司)


例句:The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography. (翻译:本文研究表明将DCCA和CCA应用到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的。)


cca一般作为名词使用,如在CCA(常规军备委员会 加拿大建筑协会 公用通信适配器 资本消耗补偿)等常见短语中出现较多。

CCA常规军备委员会 加拿大建筑协会 公用通信适配器 资本消耗补偿


1. It's a Pilgrim 7000, property of CCA... the construction company in charge of the outer wall. (翻译:那是个PILGRIM7000 是CCA财产 外墙的承建公司)

2. The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography. (翻译:本文研究表明将DCCA和CCA应用到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的。)

3. I suspect CCA will be upset... at Hackett's presumptuousness. (翻译:我怀疑美国通讯公司会十分讨厌 特的自以为是)

4. PIL : CCA 981, we've got only one green, we have lost the main gear, we'll try manual extension. (翻译:驾:981我们只有一个绿灯亮我们已失去起落架再试试手动。)

5. But ever since CCA acquired control of UBS Systems ten months ago... (翻译:可自从十个月前美国通讯公司 接手联合广播公司以来)

6. Because this company is now in the hands of CCA... the Communication Corporation of America. (翻译:现在这个公司已经 在美国通讯公司的控制之下了 美国通讯公司)

7. But, I felt in addition only need sob the matter is, teacher only then with me said that my CCA is not CHOIR, after I hear, must cry. (翻译:可是,唯一另我感到要哭泣的事情就是,老师才和我说我的CCA不是CHOIR,我听到后,要哭了。)

8. At the time CCA took control, the UBS TV network was foundering... with less than seven percent of national television revenues... most network programs being sold at station rates. (翻译:美国通讯公司掌管 联合广播公司电视网之时... 这个电视公司只占 全国电视收入的不到7% 大多数节目的收视率都很低)

9. My CCA is Infocomm Club and it is about computer skills. (翻译:我的课外活动是信息通信俱乐部, 是关于计算机技能的。)

10. Hackett's nothing but a hatchet man for CCA. (翻译:特什么也不是 他就是个美国通讯公司的狗)

11. Come November 14, I'll be at the annual CCA Management Review Meeting... and I'll announce projected earnings for this network... for the first time in five years! (翻译:到了xx月14号,我就会在 美国通讯公司管理层的年度会上 宣告我预计将会为公司带来 xx年来的头一次盈利!)

12. PIL : Beijing Approach, CCA 981, number three engine has partially disintegrated, request return for landing. (翻译:驾:北京进近,国航981第三发动机发生故障,请求回场落地。)

13. CCA of water beetles' distribution and environmental factors in lentic samples of North Changbai Mountain . (翻译:长白山北坡静水水体中水甲虫分布与环境关系的典范对应分析。)

14. My CCA is Infocomm Club and it is about computer skills. Hope to see you soon! (翻译:我的课外活动是信息通信俱乐部, 学电脑技术。)

15. On the other hand, introduce CCA/DEA to evaluate obligors'credit risk. (翻译:另一方面,引入CCA/DEA 模型, 进行债务人信用风险评估。)

