
egypt是什么意思 egypt的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-12-04 04:53:58作者:逆天飞翔

Egypt的中文翻译为“埃及”(i j),读音为/i j/。


1. Egypt is located in the northeast corner of Africa. (埃及位于非洲东北角。)

2. The pyramids are one of the most famous attractions in Egypt. (金字塔是埃及最著名的景点之一。)

3. Ancient Egypt was known for its rich history and culture. (古埃及以其丰富的历史和文化而闻名。)




例句:This is RAF Mildenhall, but it's actually Egypt. (这里是米尔登霍尔空军基地 不过这里其实是埃及)


例句:Cairo is the capital of Egypt. (开罗是埃及的首都。)


例句:So he is in Egypt these days? (他这些天在埃及吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So he is in Egypt these days?)


例句:I lived in Egypt for a time. (翻译:我在埃及住了一阵子。)


egypt一般作为名词使用,如在Egypt(埃及 )、Egypt green(硅酸铜绿)、Egypt.(abbr. Egyptian)等常见短语中出现较多。

Egypt green硅酸铜绿
Egypt.abbr. Egyptian
Flight into Egypt[网络] 逃往埃及;飞行进入埃及;逃奔埃及
Lower Egypt[网络] 下埃及;埃及地区;下埃及地区
New Egypt[地名] 新埃及 ( 美 )
octavius in egypt在埃及的屋大维
Pharaoh of Egypt[网络] 埃及法老
pharaohs of egypt[网络] 埃及法老\n(pharaoh of egypt 的复数)
Pyramids of Egypt[网络] 埃及金字塔;有埃及金字塔;只有埃及


1. So he is in Egypt these days? (翻译:他这些天在埃及吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So he is in Egypt these days?)

2. I lived in Egypt for a time. (翻译:我在埃及住了一阵子。)

3. Egypt, eight months ago. 14 people killed. (翻译:这是埃及 八个月前 14人死亡 Egypt, eight months ago.)

4. There has always been rivalry in soccer between Egypt and Tunisia. (翻译:在足球方面 There has always been rivalry in soccer 埃及和突尼斯一直是竞争对手 between Egypt and Tunisia.)

5. Was to Egypt, down the Nile. (翻译:我记得他们第一次旅行是去埃及 ♪你是我的专属)

6. Do you know that the only dog ever struck by lightning was right here, in Egypt? (翻译:你知道吗 Do you know 唯一一条被闪电击中的狗 that the only dog ever struck by lightning 就是在这 在埃及 was right here, in egypt?)

7. I've been to Egypt, and one of the most stunning things about seeing the archeological remains of ancient Egypt is that one unique pharaoh, Akhenaten. (翻译:而在古埃及遗迹里看到的 最为震惊的一个情况 就是那个独特的法老 Akhenaten)

8. Ptolemaic Egypt was an important historical period during the development of ancient Egypt. (翻译:托勒密王朝是古代埃及史上一个重要历史时期。)

9. To distribute this exciting new range, Samsung Egypt has partnered with one of Egypt's largest air conditioning producers and distributors; TIBA. (翻译:该系列首先在埃及上市,为了更好地分销这一新型系列设备,三星埃及公司同埃及最大的空调制造商及分销商TIBA合作。)

10. And then Egypt started, and Hosni Mubarak decided to leave. (翻译:接着,埃及的发生了 于是,穆巴拉克决定离开了)

11. Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit also said an Israeli team was coming to Egypt on Thursday to discuss the peace initiative. (翻译:埃及的外相Ahmed Aboul Gheit也表示一个以色列代表团将在周四来到埃及以讨论恢复和平的倡议。)

12. Invented by sir marc armand ruffer in egypt (翻译:这是由埃及的马克阿尔芒拉弗爵士 invented by Sir Marc Armand Ruffer in Egypt)

13. This is the White Desert, in Egypt. The landscape is littered with giant chalk pillars, carved by innumerable sandstorms. (翻译:in Egypt. 是由长期的风沙侵蚀而成 {\3cH202020}carved by innumerable sandstorms.)

14. The Saracens, as you call them, have now unified in Egypt... (翻译:你说的撒拉逊人已经统一了埃及... The Saracens, as you call them, have now unified in Egypt...)

15. And then Egypt started, and Hosni Mubarak decided to leave. (翻译:接着,埃及的发生了 于是,穆巴拉克决定离开了 )



