
vocal是什么意思 vocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-27 13:08:06作者:幻阳

1. 词性:形容词,表示与声音相关的。

vocal是什么意思 vocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音:['vkl],重读在第一音节。

3. 意义:表示与声音相关的,可以涉及到演唱、讲话、演讲等方面。

4. 拓展:可以和其他单词组合成相关的词组,如vocal cords(喉部),vocal range(音域),vocal coach(声乐教练)等。


1. She has a beautiful vocal range and can hit high notes easily. (她的音域很广,轻松唱出高音。)

2. The politician used a very vocal tone to express his opposition to the new policy. (这位家用非常明确的语气表达了他对新政策的反对。)

3. The choir director worked hard to train the students' vocal skills and prepare them for the performance. (合唱团指导老师很努力地培训学生的声乐技巧,为演出做好了充分准备。)

4. The singer had to cancel the concert due to vocal strain and needed time to rest her voice. (歌手由于声带过度使用而不得不取消演唱会,需要时间休息声音。)

5. The vocal coach taught the student how to breathe properly and control their voice for better singing. (声乐教练教学生如何正确呼吸和控制声音,以提高唱歌水平。)


1. The vocal coach helped the singer improve her technique. (名词)那位声乐教练帮助歌手提高她的技巧。

2. She has a very vocal personality, always expressing her opinions loudly. (形容词)她个性很强,总是大声表达自己的观点。

3. The bird's vocal abilities are impressive. (形容词)这只鸟的歌唱能力令人印象深刻。

4. The vocal group harmonized beautifully. (名词)这个歌唱团体的和声非常动听。

5. He has a powerful vocal range, able to hit high notes with ease. (形容词)他的音域很广,能够轻松地唱出高音。

6. The singer's vocal cords were strained from overuse. (名词)这位歌手的声带因过度使用而受到了压力。

7. The music video featured stunning vocal performances. (形容词)这个音乐视频展示了令人惊叹的歌唱表演。

8. The choir practiced their vocals every day for months before the performance. (名词)合唱团在演出前每天练习他们的歌唱技巧数月。

9. The cl focused on vocal exercises and proper breathing techniques for singing. (形容词)这个课程关注歌唱的声乐练习和正确的呼吸技巧。





1. He was a vocal opponent of the new policy. (他是对新政策的一个口头反对者。)

2. The singer's vocal ability is impressive. (这位歌手的声乐能力令人印象深刻。)

3. The politician gave a vocal speech to the crowd. (家向人群发表了一次慷慨激昂的演讲。)

4. The bird let out a beautiful vocal melody. (这只鸟发出了一种美丽的声音。)




例句:Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Jinsang Sanjie Pill integrative therapy for vocal polypus and vocal nodules. (目的评价声带息肉及声带小结术后服用金嗓散结丸的疗效。)


例句:David A. Angar ... vocal cords exposed to experimental energy blasts. (他是大卫・A・安格尔... David A. Angar...)


例句:From the sound, we can actually track the vocal fold position as it vibrates, and just as the limbs are affected in Parkinson's, so too are the vocal organs. (从声音里,我们可以追寻到 声襞颤动时的位置 正如帕金森能影响我们四肢 它也能影响我们发声器官 )


例句:And word is she has a five-octave vocal range. (翻译:而且据说她的音域横跨五个八度 And word is she has a five -octave vocal range.)


vocal一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在off vocal([网络] 恋桜)、vocal apparatus([医] 发音器)、vocal area([医] 声门区)等常见短语中出现较多。

off vocal[网络] 恋桜
vocal apparatus[医] 发音器
vocal area[医] 声门区
vocal asynergy[医] 发音协同不能
vocal ballet歌唱芭蕾
vocal band声带
vocal bands声带
vocal cavity声腔
vocal chordn. 声带


1. From the sound, we can actually track the vocal fold position as it vibrates, and just as the limbs are affected in Parkinson's, so too are the vocal organs. (翻译:从声音里,我们可以追寻到 声襞颤动时的位置 正如帕金森能影响我们四肢 它也能影响我们发声器官 )

2. And word is she has a five-octave vocal range. (翻译:而且据说她的音域横跨五个八度 And word is she has a five -octave vocal range.)

3. One of the most vocal critics of America is Professor Ward Churchill. (翻译:其中一个最强烈 美国批评 是沃德丘吉尔教授。)

4. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Jinsang Sanjie Pill integrative therapy for vocal polypus and vocal nodules. (翻译:目的评价声带息肉及声带小结术后服用金嗓散结丸的疗效。)

5. Your vocal cord damage has reduced but will not regrow exactly the same way. (翻译:Your vocal cord damage has reduced 你的声带损坏已经降低 but will not regrow exactly the same way. 不过新长出来的跟原来不一样,)

6. One of our most vocal opponents was Dave Grantham. (翻译:其中一个反对声最高的 One of our most vocal opponents 是Dave Grantham was Dave Grantham.)

7. Senator McLaughlin have been very vocal against immigration. (翻译:McLaughlin参议员针对 移民问题历来态度强硬)

8. Jules Sims would also record vocal calypsos. (翻译:朱尔斯西姆斯还会录制声乐加里波舞。)

9. I was audited because I was a very vocal critic of the Nixon Administration. (翻译:我被,是因为我是一个很 的强烈批评。)

10. We call this project VocaliD, or vocal I.D., for vocal identity. (翻译:我们称之为VocaliD计划,即声音ID, 用于区别不同的声音。)

11. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12. (翻译:她还是个小孩的时候就爱唱歌,xx岁就开始了声乐训练。)

12. My tongue, larynx and vocal cords were still healthy and unaffected. (翻译:我的舌头,喉以及声带 依然良好并没有受到影响” )

13. They were very vocal in their criticisms, and then they fell silent. (翻译:他们开始直言不讳的抱怨, 然后他们就沉默了。)

14. You'll express deep sorrow and repentance, sincere and vocal contrition. (翻译:我们可以私自 拜访你的地方 你要表达深深的歉意跟 悔意)

15. Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations. (翻译:喉声带下方可见大溃疡。)



