
enroute是什么意思 enroute的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-27 09:53:06作者:︶纯黑色ㄣ

enroute是什么意思 enroute的中文翻译、读音、例句



- enroute to:前往、行驶中

- enroute flight:航班途中

- enroute stop:途中停留


- enroute weather:航班途中的天气情况

- enroute delay:航班途中的延误




- Our flight is enroute to Paris.(我们的航班正在前往巴黎。)

- The package is enroute and should arrive tomorrow.(包裹正在途中,应该明天到达。)

- The truck driver got lost enroute to the delivery location.(卡车司机在前往送货地点的途中迷路了。)

- The plane had to make an enroute stop due to a technical issue.(飞机因技术问题不得不在途中停留。)

- The enroute weather is clear and sunny.(航班途中的天气晴朗明媚。)

enroute 的中文翻译是“在途中的”,读音为 [nrut]。


1. The plane was enroute to Paris when it encountered turbulence. (当飞机飞往巴黎途中遭遇了气流湍流。)

2. The courier is enroute to deliver the package to our office. (快递员正在途中把包裹送到我们的办公室。)

3. The truck driver stopped at a rest area enroute to his destination. (卡车司机在途中向目的地驶去的时候在一个休息区停了下来。)




例句:After China dashes through Nepal enroute to Delhi, it will be able to use the support structure it will build in Bihar. (在中国穿过尼泊尔进军德里的时候,就能用上在比哈尔建好的设施。)


例句:over West River between Pingnan and Guiping enroute to Danzhu carrying a load of supplies for missioners. (西比河之间平南及途中桂平至丹竹航运传教士用品。)


例句:This happens if work being sent to your machine is lost enroute. (这样的事情的发生可能是因为工作在传输到您的电脑途中丢失了。)


例句:Enroute expenses incurred outside Korea are not included. (翻译:该费用不包括在韩国境外产生的在途费用。)


enroute一般作为副词、形容词、动词使用,如在enroute alternate(航路备降站)、enroute area(航(空)线区)、enroute base(航路途中基地)等常见短语中出现较多。

enroute alternate航路备降站
enroute area航(空)线区
enroute base航路途中基地
enroute chart空中航道导航设备图
enroute climb航路爬升
enroute descent航路下降
enroute height航路高度
enroute speed航线飞行速率
enroute time航路时间


1. This happens if work being sent to your machine is lost enroute. (翻译:这样的事情的发生可能是因为工作在传输到您的电脑途中丢失了。)

2. Enroute expenses incurred outside Korea are not included. (翻译:该费用不包括在韩国境外产生的在途费用。)

3. The windows were not in yet – they were enroute from China! (翻译:仅剩下未安装的窗户,正在中国运过来的途中。)

4. Morning drive to Jaipur enroute visit Fatehpur Sikri, deserted city of Agra but still in a state of perfect preservations. (翻译:今天驱车前往斋浦尔下午前往参观法塔赫布尔西格里是阿格拉保存良好的沙漠之地。)

5. Major Duncan Heyward reporting, sir, enroute to Fort William Henry and bearing dispatches. (翻译:少校邓肯海华报到 我来接受派遣 路上安全吗)

6. Enroute a double cross has one of the thieves parachute with the loot into an abandoned graveyard surrounded by strange scarecrows . (翻译:在途中,有一个贼出卖他们,他拿着赃物以降落伞降来于被奇怪稻草人包围的荒弃坟场。)

7. Justine Henin could also be in China later this year enroute to Australia for the start of the new tennis season on January 1, 2011 at the Hopman Cup in Perth. (翻译:海宁在今年晚些时候可能会来中国,然后踏上前往澳大利亚的航班。她将参加xx年xx月在珀斯举行的霍普曼杯,开始自己新赛季的征程。)

8. Nowhere enroute had Vincent Lord learned to be a pleasant human being . (翻译:文森特洛德在他的经历中似乎从未学会做一个和蔼可亲的人。)

9. The UH-60Q MEDEVAC helicopter provides significant enroute patient care enhancements. (翻译:60Q救护直升机为美陆军提供了重要的战场救护能力。)

10. Enroute to Nagpur. . . the tour begins for the chase continues film. I really lov meeting u all in the garb of film promotions. DON is ON. (翻译:去那格浦尔途中…旅途又开始了,为DON。我真的喜欢电影的宣传期,很你们见面。)

