
tasks是什么意思 tasks的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-25 21:23:07作者:宛雪

1. 意义:tasks是英语中“任务”的意思,表示需要完成的工作或者职责。

tasks是什么意思 tasks的中文翻译、读音、例句

例句:My boss gave me several tasks to finish by the end of the day.(我的老板给了我几项任务,要在今天完成。)

2. 同义词:与tasks同义的单词包括job、duty、ignment等。

例句:As a teacher, my main duty is to teach and guide my students.(作为一名教师,我的主要职责是教导和指导学生。)

3. 衍生词:tasks的衍生词包括tasking、tasked、taskmaster等。

例句:The manager is a taskmaster who always sets high standards for his employees.(经理是一个严格的任务主宰者,总是给他的员工设置高标准。)

4. 用法:tasks是一个可数名词,可以用单数或者复数形式,但一般用复数比较常见。

例句:The team had many tasks to complete before the deadline.(团队在截止日期之前有很多任务要完成。)

5. 语境:tasks常用于工作场合,特别是在企业、机构和等大组织中。也可以用于个人生活中的日常任务和目标。

例句:My daily tasks include exercising, reading, and practicing my language skills.(我的日常任务包括锻炼、阅读和练习语言技能。)




1. She has a lot of tasks to complete before the deadline.(她在截止日期之前有很多任务要完成。)

2. My boss igned me a new task today.(我的老板今天给我分配了一项新任务。)

3. I have to finish my math task before I can go out to play.(我必须先完成我的数学作业才能出去玩。)




例句:I rather enjoy domestic tasks. (我很喜欢做家务 I rather enjoy domestic tasks.)


例句:But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. (但是要获胜 参赛者必须通过三项任务 But to do this, that student must survive three tasks.)


例句:Some tasks become more valuable. New tasks have to be done. (一些工作变得更有价值 新的任务需要完成 )


例句:He always shirks the unpleasant tasks. (翻译:他总是逃避那些厌恶性工作。)


tasks一般作为名词使用,如在graded tasks(分等工作)、incidental tasks(un. 非重要事件)、investigation tasks(侦查任务)等常见短语中出现较多。

graded tasks分等工作
incidental tasksun. 非重要事件
investigation tasks侦查任务
key tasks[网络] 关键任务;主要任务;关键项目
optional tasks[网络] 任选事项;备课组或者个人博客;现代教育技术
set the tasks确定任务
Sternberg tasks[网络] Sternberg任务
long cycle tasksun. 长期任务


1. Some tasks become more valuable. New tasks have to be done. (翻译:一些工作变得更有价值 新的任务需要完成 )

2. He always shirks the unpleasant tasks. (翻译:他总是逃避那些厌恶性工作。)

3. The JNI lets you accomplish these tasks. (翻译:JNI 允许您完成这些任务。)

4. She occupied herself with routine office tasks. (翻译:她忙于办公室的日常工作。)

5. The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence. (翻译:这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。)

6. In minutes, a drone will do tasks for you. (翻译:几分钟后,无人机就会为你完成任务。)

7. Turn off unneeded Domino server tasks. (翻译:关闭不需要的Domino服务器任务。)

8. Make sense of our daily tasks. (翻译:Make sense of our daily tasks. 对我们的每日生活存有意义的故事)

9. Computers can relieve us of boring and repetitive tasks. (翻译:电脑可以使我们从枯燥重复的工作中解脱出来。)

10. It just means these tasks are designed to test you in the most brutal way. (翻译:这些任务对你来说都是种考验... It just means these tasks are designed to test you... 不但严厉而且还非常残忍 ...in the most brutal way.)

11. Checklists divided by the groups that perform the tasks. (翻译:按执行任务的小组划分的检查清单。)

12. We fill up our lives with meaningless tasks. (翻译:我们终日忙忙碌碌,过得毫无意义。)

13. The SPEs are responsible for data processing tasks. (翻译:SPE 负责数据处理任务。)

14. OpenNMS daemons: Concurrent management tasks. (翻译:OpenNMS守护程序:并发管理任务。)

15. What do these subjects believe they are accomplishing as they struggle to fulfil their tasks? (翻译:这些实验对象 挣扎着履行任务时 相信自己达到完成了什么?)



