
衰弱用英语怎么说 衰弱的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-25 20:32:07作者:乐菡


feeble enervated asthenic ( 衰弱 )

衰弱用英语怎么说 衰弱的英语翻译

psychasthenia phrenasthenia Neasthenia ( 精神衰弱 医 )

You just faded away ( 你还是逐渐衰弱下去 )

neasthenia Neose ( 神经衰弱症 )

amyocardia myocardial myocardialweakness ( 心肌衰弱 )

1. She also has nervous breakdown .

2. So you had some kind of a breakdown?

3. The Kingdom gws weaker by the day.

4. "the enemy faints not, nor faileth,

5. in respiratory faile. Woman 2:

译文:呼吸衰弱 In respiratory faile.。

6. The man was suffeng fm cardiac weakness.

7. Yo winding winds stood so All that is my own

8. Either high blood presse or a weak heart

9. Grandmother has been getting feebler lately.

10. Grandma's having a nervous breakdown,

11. To cse to lose ener, stren, or vigor; exhst, tire, or enfeeble


12. it'd dve us both insane.

13. enfeeble enervate debilitate weaken vitiate

14. Don't lose yo temper you'll have a breakdown!

15. Sickness often pstrates people.

