
tph是什么意思 tph的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-20 19:38:13作者:柚屿

1. 词义:TPH 是 "Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon" 的缩写,意为"总石油烃"。是用于石油和石油产品中测量石油化合物含量的一个标准单位。

2. 词性:TPH 是一个名词缩写。

tph是什么意思 tph的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:TPH 这个词一般与测量或测试有关的单词或短语搭配使用,如 "TPH测试"、"TPH检测"、"TPH排放控制"、"TPH测量方法" 等。

4. 发音拼写:TPH 发音为 "ti pi et"。

5. 例句:

- The TPH levels in the soil were found to be very high due to the oil spill.

(由于石油泄漏,土壤中的 TPH 含量非常高。)

- The TPH content in the crude oil was measured using Gas Chromatography-M Spectrometry (GC-MS) ysis.

(使用气相色谱-质谱分析测量原油中的 TPH 含量。)

- The TPH emissions from the petrochemical plant were found to be much higher than the permissible limits.

(从石化厂排放的 TPH 超过了允许的限值。)

- The TPH contamination in the groundwater was due to the leakage from the underground storage tanks.

(地下水中的 TPH 污染是由于地下储罐泄漏造成的。)

- The TPH ysis results showed that the oil spill had affected the marine ecosystem severely.

(TPH 分析结果表明,油污泄漏严重影响了海洋生态系统。)





例句:TPH haven't change his individual character all the time. (是的!一直都没有改变他的个性。)


例句:Association of TPH gene polymorphism with major depression and symptom phenotypes (TPH基因多态性与重性抑郁症及症状表型的相关性)


例句:TPH: Map an Entity hierarchy to a single table. (TPH:映射一个实体层次到单表。)


例句:TPT: Map an Entity hierarchy to multiple tables. (翻译:TPH:映射一个实体层次到多表。)


1. TPH: Map an Entity hierarchy to a single table. (翻译:TPH:映射一个实体层次到单表。)

2. TPT: Map an Entity hierarchy to multiple tables. (翻译:TPH:映射一个实体层次到多表。)

3. The DPG-B Series is a gravity loaded, bottom discharge dense phase conveyor with a capacity rated to 100+ TPH. (翻译:系列产品是一个重力载荷,顶部出料浓相输送机,额定容量为100+TPH。)

