
油砂用英语怎么说 油砂的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-13 13:26:25作者:Oo追梦﹍

油砂英语是"oil sands",其次还可以说成"oilsands",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到21个与油砂相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Some Amecan retailers have forsworn fuel fm the tar sands.

2. i'm always spsed by how little people outside of Canada know about the Alberta Tar Sands, which this year are pjected to become the number one soce of imported oil to the United States.

油砂用英语怎么说 油砂的英语翻译

译文:我总是对加拿大之外 只有非常少人知道 阿尔伯达焦油砂感到惊奇, 而在今年从焦油砂提炼出石油 将成为进口石油 来源首位。

3. My daddy's got a piece of the oil sands up in alberta--

4. So this is where the tar sands live, under one of the last maificent Boreal forests.

译文:这就是焦油砂所在地方, 在最后富饶 北方森林之下。

5. The world does not need any tar mines.

6. So this is where the tar sands live, under one of the last maificent Boreal forests.

译文:这就是焦油砂所在地方, 在最后富饶 北方森林之下。

7. Coal, natal gas, oil, tar sands. Oil shale...

8. JF: And not dll in the Alberta tar sands -- Right.

9. Tar sand's oil is solid, mixed in with the soil.

10. Sazhi oil sand mine is located at Sazhi anticline of the western margin of Yuanmou uplift belt in Chuxiong Basin.

11. There are obstacles too, mainly becse of the sheer dirtiness of the business.

12. Oil sand is not a long-term solution.

13. No tar sands mine has actually r been denied appval, so it is essentially a rubber stamp.

