
me neither是什么意思 me neither的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-06 11:23:33作者:心作祟

me neither是什么意思 me neither的中文翻译、读音、例句


'me neither'是一种非正式的口语表达,常常用于表示自己与别人的观点或经历相同,或者表示自己也不同意别人的观点。以下是对'me neither'的解释和例句:

1. 解释:

'me neither'是'me either'的否定形式,意为“我也不”,通常用于回答否定性问题或表示自己的看法与别人相同。

2. 例句:

- A: I don't like pineapple on pizza. (我不喜欢披萨上放菠萝。)

- B: Me neither. (我也不喜欢。)

- A: I haven't seen that movie yet. (我还没看过那部电影。)

- B: Me neither. (我也没看过。)

- A: I'm not a big fan of spicy food. (我不是辛辣食品的粉丝。)

- B: Me neither. (我也不是。)

- A: I don't feel like going out tonight. (我今晚不想出门。)

- B: Me neither. (我也不想。)

- A: I've never been to Europe. (我从未去过欧洲。)

- B: Me neither. (我也是。)

3. 解释:

'me neither'也可以用于表示自己不同意别人的观点或意见。

4. 例句:

- A: I think the new policy is a good idea. (我认为这个新政策是个好主意。)

- B: Me neither. (我不这么认为。)

- A: I love horror movies. (我喜欢恐怖电影。)

- B: Me neither. (我并不喜欢。)

- A: I think this book is boring. (我觉得这本书很无聊。)

- B: Me neither. (我也这么觉得。)

- A: I believe in aliens. (我相信外星人的存在。)

- B: Me neither. (我不相信。)

- A: I don't think climate change is real. (我认为气候变化并不是真实存在的。)

- B: Me neither. (我也不这么认为。)

总之,'me neither'是一种常见的口语表达方式,可以用于回答否定性问题或表达自己与别人的看法不同。在口语交流中,适当使用这个词组可以让我们表达得更自然流利。

'me neither'的中文翻译是"我也不",读音为/mi nir/。


- A: I don't like seafood.

- B: Me neither. (我也不喜欢海鲜。)

- A: I haven't seen that movie yet.

- B: Me neither. (我也没有看那部电影。)

- A: I can't dance.

- B: Me neither. (我也不会跳舞。)

me neither的中文解释是"网络、我也不是",在英美地区还有"我也不"的意思,发音音标为[meneither],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到73个与me neither相关的例句。

Me neither的释义


例句:But for me, neither of these people are wrong, but they're also not completely right. (对我而言,他们都没错, 但是也不全对。)


例句:Or else you'd be married, like me. (Neither of you guys has any game,right?)


例句:Neither Maia, nor me could stop it. (无论是马亚,或是我... Neither Maia, nor me... ...可以阻止它。)


例句:Like the lilies of the field, my friend. (翻译:Like the lilies of the field, my friend. We toil not, neither do we spin.)


me neither一般作为名词使用,如在neither(两者都不 )、neither of(没有一个)、in neither case(不论在那种情况下都不...)等常见短语中出现较多。

neither of没有一个
in neither case不论在那种情况下都不...
neither ... nor[网络] 既不……也不;两者都不;均不
neither nor既不…也不…
neither one没有一个
neither party任何一方都不会……
neither do i[网络] 我也不喜欢;我也不想去;我也是
neither nor operation均非运算


1. Neither Maia, nor me could stop it. (翻译:无论是马亚,或是我... Neither Maia, nor me... ...可以阻止它。)

2. Like the lilies of the field, my friend. (翻译:Like the lilies of the field, my friend. We toil not, neither do we spin.)

3. Me neither. People call the style surrealism! (翻译:我也不懂。人们称这种风格为超现实主义。)

4. Neither of the two had my training... (翻译:他们没受过特种训练 Neither one of them had my expertise.)

5. "Neither calls me nor sends email to me" (翻译:让我暂时别给他发邮件 打电话 可是...)

6. And neither does Congress. (翻译:国会也不知道 And neither does Congress.)

7. But neither of us wants that. (翻译:们都不想看到那种结果 But neither of us wants that.)

8. You know neither me, yourselves, nor anything. (翻译:你们既不了解我 也不了解你们自己和任何事情)

9. At no small threat to me life, neither. (翻译:就算冒着生命危险,我也不退缩。at no small threat to me life, neither.)

10. They neither motivate me with anger, nor hurt my feelings. (翻译:这些话既不会激怒 激励我 也不会伤害我的感情)

11. Yeah, well, neither have I. (翻译:是的,我也没见过 Yeah, well, neither have l.)

12. Or for that matter, neither would a prophet like me. (翻译:同样的道理, 像我这样的先知也不该去 哈哈, 喔...)

13. And now... neither will I. (翻译:不过现在开始... 我也不会了 And now... neither will I.)

14. Neither did George Washington. (翻译:乔治曾经也不懂。Neither did George Washington.)

15. Neither, we just ran them. (翻译:都不是 我们刚查过 Neither, we just ran them.)

