
人身关系用英语怎么说 人身关系英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-04 01:37:34作者:平凡

人身关系英语为"personal relation",还经常被译作 personal relation,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到28个与人身关系相关短语释义和例句。

人身关系用英语怎么说 人身关系英语翻译

personal non-pperty relations ( 人身非财产关系 )

1. And i want to say we've annihilated it in men as well as in women.

2. - Breaking and enteng, asslt.

3. That's the same way with name-calling.

4. And it's in men as well as in women.

5. Now you're getting personal.

6. Goes back to her family ...

7. And i want to say we've annihilated it in men as well as in women.

8. What's with the personal attacks?

9. i have seen it before in others.

10. - He suspended habeas corpus.

11. Don't spend all that on the women.

12. - To force mutants to expose themselves will only fther --

