
stargazy pie是什么意思 stargazy pie的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-03 22:17:35作者:栖迟

stargazy pie是什么意思 stargazy pie的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: Stargazy pie是一种传统的康沃尔海鲜派,其中包括鲑鱼、土豆、洋葱、蛋糕和面团。这个派的特殊之处在于,派面上的鲑鱼头朝上排列,看起来好像在盯着天空的星星,因此得名“stargazy”,意为“盯着星星的”。

词性: 名词


1. serve stargazy pie (上一份stargazy派)

2. traditional stargazy pie (传统的stargazy派)

3. pie crust (派饼皮)

4. fish pie (鱼派)

5. mashed potatoes (土豆泥)


1. Star-gaze (凝视星空)

2. Fish head (鱼头)

3. Puff pastry (泡芙面饼)

4. Chunky potatoes (厚土豆)

5. Tinned sardines (罐头沙丁鱼)

发音拼写: stahr-guh-zee pahy


1. She made a delicious stargazy pie for dinner last night. (昨晚她做了一份美味的stargazy派晚餐。)

2. Stargazy pie is a traditional Cornish dish that is typically served during the Christmas season. (Stargazy派是康沃尔传统的美食,在圣诞节期间通常供应。)

3. To make stargazy pie, you need fresh fish, potatoes, onions, eggs, and pastry dough. (要制作stargazy派,您需要新鲜的鱼、土豆、洋葱、鸡蛋和面团。)

4. The fish heads poking out of the stargazy pie looked a bit strange, but it tasted great. (stargazy派上突出的鱼头看起来有点奇怪,但味道很好。)

5. The stargazy pie was a hit at the dinner party, and everyone asked for the recipe. (stargazy派在晚宴上大受欢迎,每个人都要求拿到食谱。)


读音:strezi pa

例句:Stargazy pie是来自英国康沃尔郡的特色美食,它是一种用鲇鱼、马铃薯和鸡蛋等食材制成的派,最特别的是在面团上加上鱼头和鱼尾,形成了星星般的眼睛,因此得名为“星眼派”。(Stargazy pie is a traditional dish from Cornwall, England, made with pilchards, potatoes, and eggs in a pie crust, with fish heads sticking out of the top so that they appear to be staring up at the stars, hence the name "stargazy".)

stargazy pie在英语中代表"仰望星空派"的意思,作为名词时有"网络"的意思,读音为[stargazypie],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到35个与stargazy pie相关的例句。

Stargazy pie的翻译


例句:Someone hardly touched their pumpkin pie. (有人基本没动这份南瓜派呢 Someone hardly touched their pumpkin pie.)


例句:- I love you too, sweetie pie. (- 我也爱你,亲爱的。- 爱雪莉。- I love you too, sweetie pie.)


stargazy pie一般作为名词使用,如在stargazy pies([网络] stargazy馅饼)、pie(馅饼 )、easy as pie(na. 极容易\n[网络] 易如反掌;小菜一碟;非常简单)等常见短语中出现较多。

stargazy pies[网络] stargazy馅饼
easy as piena. 极容易\n[网络] 易如反掌;小菜一碟;非常简单
exkimo pie紫雪糕
Finger Pie[网络] 指派
fish pie鱼肉馅饼
foam pie[网络] 泡沫派
fried pie油煎馅饼
Frito pie[网络] 墨西哥玉米片派;油炸玉米饼派


1. On sundays they do a pie eating contest. (翻译:周日有吃派大赛 On Sundays they do a pie eating contest.)

2. Cottage pie is beef, shepherd's pie is lamb. (翻译:马铃薯肉馅饼是牛肉做的而羊肉馅饼是羊肉做的)

3. First, you've got to give it... to this pie. (翻译:首先 你得先献出... 给这个派to this pie.)

4. It was stuck to the bottom of the pie box. (翻译:It was stuck to the bottom of the pie box. 它黏在匹萨盒子的下面了。)

5. To which do you find yourself the more partial, a... steak and kidney pie or a veal and ham pie? (翻译:你个人更喜欢哪一样 To which do you find yourself the more partial, 一个... 牛排腰子派还是小牛肉火腿派?)

6. tricia came back with a pie of rope. (翻译:崔西亚拿着绳子回来了 Tricia came back with a piece of rope.)

7. Now, you either stick your face in that pie or I'm gonna stick that pie in your face. (翻译:现在 要么你把脸放进派里 要么我把派扣你脸上)

8. I heard this place has the best coffee and pie in town (翻译:听说这里的咖啡和批全城第一 I heard this place has the best coffee and pie in town)

9. I gotta go now, sweetie pie. (翻译:我现在得走了 亲爱的 I gotta go now, sweetie pie.)

10. Perhaps a pie with some good gravy. (翻译:也许可以做个派 上面浇点酱汁 Perhaps a pie with some good gravy.)

11. This apple pie smells funny too! (翻译:这个苹果派也是 总觉得闻起来味道不大对的说)

12. This is the pitaya pie. (翻译:这是火龙果饼。)

13. Coming right back with that cherry pie. (翻译:马上给你上樱桃派 Coming right back with that cherry pie.)

14. Fluttershy something breezy (翻译:For Pinkie Pie something pink)

15. That pie could win pie contests and ribbons and things. (翻译:那个馅饼能在比赛中拿奖 或者拿到勋章什么的 它简直...)

