
亦步亦趋用英语怎么说 亦步亦趋英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-02 15:32:36作者:世俗骚

亦步亦趋英语可以这样说:blindly follow .,在常中也可以翻译为"imitate . at ry step",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到38个与亦步亦趋相关译文和例句。

亦步亦趋用英语怎么说 亦步亦趋英语翻译

14. Part fashion(adv. 鹦鹉学舌般地;盲从地;亦步亦趋地\n 应声虫;学舌者;人云亦云)

dance to 's pipe ( 跟着某人亦步亦趋 )

14. We must not act like a part and lose oselves by following others.

14. UBS, its Swiss archval, has recently followed suit by lnching its own "wealth mament campus" in Singapore.


14. Cut-off The maximum len of sheet that can be pnted on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cylinder .


14. Nothing but boys, following in their father's footsteps.

14. Don't need to follow in somebody else's steps

译文:Don't need to follow in Somebody else's steps 不需要亦步亦趋 别人脚步。

14. The Gl shows great pmise towards the arena.

14. Now the crew must follow the buffalo ryday to finish their filming job.

14. Don't need to follow in Somebody else's steps

译文:Don't need to follow in Somebody else's steps 不需要亦步亦趋 别人脚步。

14. Out of step with the rest of the world, the only thing to do

14. The ceremony starts with a sees of graceful duets, in which one partner echoes the actions of the other.

译文:首先是一连串优雅双人舞 其中一只亦步亦趋地 模仿伴侣动作。

14. They'd follow us ry step of the way. i know Thornton.

14. Yet they show a peculiar interest in the buffalo and follow it wherr it goes.

14. George moves slow, Ali gets the first punch in, a light ght-hand taken on the forehead by the champion.

译文:乔治亦步亦趋 阿里出拳了 George moves slow, Ali gets the first punch in, 一记右拳划过乔治前额 a light ght -hand taken on the forehead by the champion.。

