
kenji是什么意思 kenji的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-02 14:38:48作者:行者

kenji是什么意思 kenji的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源和词义

Kenji是一个常见的日本男性名字,由两个汉字组成,“健”和“二”,分别表示健康和第二个儿子。在英语中,Kenji也可作为缩写词,表示“Knowledge Engineering and Japanese Information”(知识工程和日本信息)。

2. 发音和拼写

Kenji的发音为/kn di/,拼写为Kenji或Kenjiro。

3. 用法和含义


4. 相关文化和背景


5. 使用举例


1. Kenji这个名字在日本很常见,意为健康的第二个儿子。

2. 他的名字叫Kenji,是一个充满力量和勇气的名字。

3. Kenji是一个专业术语,主要用于知识工程和日本信息领域。


1. Kenji is a common Japanese male name, meaning healthy second son.

2. His name is Kenji, a name full of power and courage.

3. Kenji is a professional term, mainly used in the field of knowledge engineering and Japanese information.

中文翻译:健二;读音:kn j;例句:Kenji 是我最好的朋友之一。 (Kenji is one of my best friends.)




例句:Kenji Hiranabe is the face of agile in Japan. (平锅健児在日本差不多是敏捷的代言人。)


例句:Kenji, where'd you find such a beautiful wife? (喂,小贤! 什么时候找了个这么漂亮的新娘啊)


例句:Kenji Yoshino points out that in the England of Shakespeare's time, the modern state and the rule of law were evolving. (吉野贤治指出,在莎士比亚时代的英格兰,现代国家和法治的发展。)


例句:When asked about the meaning of the title, Kenji explained (翻译:当被问及短片标题的含义时,平锅健儿这样解释道 )


1. Kenji Yoshino points out that in the England of Shakespeare's time, the modern state and the rule of law were evolving. (翻译:吉野贤治指出,在莎士比亚时代的英格兰,现代国家和法治的发展。)

2. When asked about the meaning of the title, Kenji explained (翻译:当被问及短片标题的含义时,平锅健儿这样解释道 )

3. Kenji-senpai, you did the same-- Wait, what about you? (翻译:剑司学长你才是 啊学长你要... 我这边的工作)

4. The reason I want to join the American military is to protect you and Mom and Kenji (翻译:我是为了保护老爸老妈和健二 才自愿去加入美军的)

5. Sano Kenji, Folk Calendar and National Calendar: Modernization of Time Concept (翻译:佐野贤治:民间日历与国家日历——论时间认识的现代化)

6. Writing under the pseudonym Kenji Fujimoto, he said Kim regarded his second son, Jon-chul, as "too effeminate" to lead the country. (翻译:笔名藤本健二的他写道,评价他的次子对于领导一个国家来说“太软弱”了。)

7. Ah, right. Tell Kenji he doesn't have to come back for a while. (翻译:请你跟健二说一声 叫他这段时间不要回来了)

8. Kenji's an awful rat. He not only defied you, he's with Kurata's pal (翻译:贤治事只臭老鼠 她不仅反抗你他还是仓田拍档)

