
solidity是什么意思 solidity的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-02 13:47:37作者:薄荷绿ζ



1. Financial solidity: 财务实力

2. Moral solidity: 道德坚定性

3. Structural solidity: 结构坚固性


1. Solidity of argument: 论证的可靠性

2. Solidity of foundation: 地基的坚实程度

3. Solidity of principles: 原则的稳定性


1. Trust is the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship. Without it, there can be no solidity. (信任是坚固持久关系的基石,没有信任就没有坚固。)

2. The structural solidity of this building is impressive. It can withstand even the strongest earthquakes. (这栋建筑的结构坚固,可以抵御最强烈的地震。)

3. The solidity of his argument convinced me to change my mind. (他的论点的可靠性让我改变了看法。)

4. The company's financial solidity allowed them to weather the economic downturn. (公司的财务实力使他们能够度过经济低迷期。)

5. The solidity of her faith gave her strength during difficult times. (她信仰的坚定给了她在困难时期的力量。)

6. The structural engineer tested the solidity of the bridge before it was opened to the public. (结构工程师在向公众开放之前测试了桥梁的坚固程度。)

7. The moral solidity of the company's leaders was called into question after the scandal. (丑闻后,公司领导的道德坚定性受到了质疑。)




1. The wall was built with great solidity and strength.


2. The company's financial position shows great solidity and stability.





例句:BMF series sandwich panel production line is main equipment that is used to produce sandwich panel-a new building materials which has the features as stable, light, solidity and beautiful appearance. (BMF系列彩钢夹芯板生产线是生产彩钢夹芯板的主要设备,彩钢夹芯板强度高,重量轻,坚固耐用,外观美观的一种新型建筑材料。)


例句:I was filled with amazement and admiration for the beauty and solidity of the architecture (我内心充满了对此美景 及坚固建筑之惊讶及赞叹)


例句:These diffusers include vaneless diffuser, vaned diffuser, low solidity diffuser and half-guide-vanes diffuser. (采用的扩压器包括无叶扩压器、叶片扩压器、低稠度扩压器和半高导叶扩压器。)


例句:"The majority of my colleagues can be convinced of the solidity of this compromise, " he believes. (翻译:他认为,“大部分我的同事们能确信这项折中办法的可靠性。”)


solidity一般作为名词使用,如在perception of solidity([生理] 立体感觉)、rotor solidity(风轮实度)、solidity degree(固化程度)等常见短语中出现较多。

perception of solidity[生理] 立体感觉
rotor solidity风轮实度
solidity degree固化程度
solidity factor度,刚性系数
solidity loss实度损失
solidity of blades叶片稠度
solidity ratio(混凝土)实积比
solidity test固化试验
vane solidity叶片充实度


1. These diffusers include vaneless diffuser, vaned diffuser, low solidity diffuser and half-guide-vanes diffuser. (翻译:采用的扩压器包括无叶扩压器、叶片扩压器、低稠度扩压器和半高导叶扩压器。)

2. "The majority of my colleagues can be convinced of the solidity of this compromise, " he believes. (翻译:他认为,“大部分我的同事们能确信这项折中办法的可靠性。”)

3. Tales of false defectors were never very welcome to a man of his solidity . (翻译:像他这样坚强的人,从来就不爱听假叛逃者的谎话。)

4. Sixth, maintaining the Party's solidity and unity through increasing the concept of Party's discipline. (翻译:六是着力增强党的纪律观念,切实维护党的团结统一。)

5. It's therefore useful for our brains to construct notions like "solidity" and "impenetrability," because such notions help us to navigate our bodies through the middle-sized world in which we have to navigate. (翻译:将此类概念定义为“固体”和“不可穿透”是有用的。因为此类概念可以帮助我们在这种中等尺寸的世界中 操纵我们的身体,并且我们不得不这样做。)

6. Abbot H. Thayer has suggested that this gradation obliterates the appearance of solidity, which is due to shadow. (翻译:Abbot H。Thayer 曾提出,这种渐变抹杀了因为影子而导致的实体性的外观。)

7. The only reason we don't fall through it is because these tiny particles of matter are just whirling about at such speed that they give us the illusion of solidity. (翻译:之所以我们不能直接感知 是因为这种极微小的物质 以非常高的速度运转)

8. When you ask questions like this and gain favorable results, the mind can settle down into deeper and deeper levels of solidity . (翻译:当你这样一边提出问题,一边获得有益结果时,心就会入定,越来越深、越来越牢固。)

9. Long for the heat of early love if you want, but you'd have to pay for it with the solidity you've built over the years. (翻译:你可以随意去渴望初期爱情,但是,这样用已经建立起来的长期坚固关系做为代价…)

10. Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer said French banks were solid and that their solidity would not be affected by recent market turmoil. (翻译:法国央行总裁诺亚称,法国银行业稳健,且其稳健性不会受到近期市场动荡的影响。)

11. Her writings have extraordinary depth and solidity. (翻译:她写的东西立意极深,内容特别充实。)

12. We studied the relationship between the solidity of transverse sections, centroid motion angles, and pulse fluency, during a cardiac cycle. (翻译:目的:探讨周期运动过程中桡动脉横切面固靠性、轴心运动轨迹所形成角度与脉象流利度之间的关系。)

13. Again he wanted to say that the underlying substance has primary qualities, shape, size, movement, texture and solidity. (翻译:他想再次强调,内在物质具有第一性,如形状,大小,动作,材质和凝性。)



