
maddox是什么意思 maddox的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-30 16:02:39作者:安忆


1. Sec Def Maddox, where do you stand on cme?

maddox是什么意思 maddox的中文翻译、读音、例句

翻译:长Maddox,你关于犯罪立场是什么? Sec Def Maddox, where do you stand on cme。

2. And we still have the Maddox handshake.

3. We have Maddox. He's conservative.

翻译:我们知道Maddox是保守派 We have Maddox.。

4. Well, hit Cg with inexpeence and Maddox with resiation... actual and general air of.

翻译:嗯,抓住Cg没经验弱点, Well, hit Cg with inexpeence 还有Maddox辞职。and Maddox with resiation。

5. Ma'am, Maddox said nothing, but at least he said something.

翻译:女士 Maddox什么也没说出来 Ma'am, Maddox said nothing, but 但起码发言了 at least he said something.。

6. Now Maddox's dghter is gonna give him the bad news.

翻译:现在Maddox女儿要告诉他坏。Now Maddox's dghter is gonna give him the bad news.。

7. No, you do not appach Elizabeth Maddox.

8. She give you any hint on the Maddox announcement?

翻译:有没有给你点Maddox发言 She give you any hint on the Maddox announcement。

9. Amy, did i hear you talking about Maddox hing Jonah,

10. That's obviously how he got the job with Maddox.

11. Well, ma'am, we need to stop Maddox fm running.

12. Why would Maddox hire someone like that?

13. Ma'am... uh, yes, the Maddox statement.

翻译:女士 呃 Maddox声明 Ma'am... uh, yes, the Maddox statement.。

14. - So, how's the Maddox camp?

翻译:- 那么,Maddox那边怎么样了? - 一片混乱。- So, how's the Maddox camp。

15. So, is there a Maddox update?

