
juarez是什么意思 juarez的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-30 06:17:39作者:孤娇病女

juarez是什么意思 juarez的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义

Juarez指的是墨西哥的城市华雷斯(Ciudad Juarez),它是墨西哥和美国之间的一个边境城市。缩写-JRZ也可以用于表示此城市的机场。

2. 发音


3. 地理位置


4. 历史


5. 文化



1. The city of Juarez is showing signs of economic growth.


2. The Juarez drug cartel is a major concern for both the Mexican and US authorities.


3. I am flying to Juarez airport tomorrow morning.


4. The culture of Juarez is a mix of Mexican and American influences.


5. Juarez is a city that has experienced a lot of violence in recent years.



1. Juarez es una ciudad peligrosa debido a la violencia de los carteles de drogas. (华雷斯是一个危险的城市,由于卡特尔的暴力行为。)

2. La cultura en Juarez es vibrante y diversa. (华雷斯的文化是充满活力和多样化的。)

3. Muchas personas migran a Juarez en busca de oportunidades econmicas. (许多人迁往华雷斯寻找经济机会。)

4. La catedral de Juarez es una de las atracciones tursticas ms populares de la ciudad. (华雷斯大教堂是该市最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。)

5. La industria manufacturera es una parte importante de la economa de Juarez. (制造业是华雷斯经济的重要组成部分。)

6. Los habitantes de Juarez son conocidos como juarenses. (华雷斯居民被称为华雷斯人。)

7. La msica de mariachi es popular en Juarez. (马里亚奇音乐在华雷斯很受欢迎。)

8. El puente internacional de Santa Fe conecta Juarez con El Paso, Texas. (圣菲国际桥连接华雷斯和得克萨斯州的埃尔帕索。)

9. La comunidad artstica en Juarez est floreciendo. (华雷斯的艺术社区正在蓬勃发展。)

Juarez是一位墨西哥家、家和律师,他在19世纪和20世纪初对墨西哥和法律体系的改革有很大的贡献。他的全名是Benito Pablo Jurez Garca,曾担任墨西哥总统。Juarez也是墨西哥最大的边境城市之一,位于美国和墨西哥之间。




1. Juarez was a prominent figure in Mexican politics during the 19th century.


2. Juarez is an important commercial hub between the United States and Mexico. 華雷斯是和墨西哥之間的重要商業樞紐。




例句:They're killing so many people they can't even afford to bury them all in anything but these unmarked graves like this one outside of Ciudad Juarez. (他们杀害了这么多的人, 甚至负担不起将他们全部好生入葬的费用, 而只能将他们埋入这些无名坟墓, 比如华雷斯城外的这个地方。)


例句:You know, Signore, there are people I hate even worse than followers of Juarez. (比恨尤阿里兹的喽罗尤甚 我看不起所有的美国人)


juarez一般作为名词使用,如在Oaxaca de Juarez([网络] 瓦哈卡)等常见短语中出现较多。

Oaxaca de Juarez[网络] 瓦哈卡


1. But you can't leave a war zone behind like you did in Juarez. (翻译:可是不能像你之前在华瑞兹那样 大动干戈啊)

2. WillyJuarez is actually U.S. Marshal WilliamJuarez. (翻译:Willy Juarez 其实是个警官. 这是Marshal Davis.)

3. Yeah, we realized the reason why the Juarez family hasn't achieved the American dream yet is because they haven't envisioned it strong enough. (翻译:是啊,我们意识到瓦瑞兹一家 之所以还没实现美国梦 是因为他们的愿景不够强烈)

4. A few months later, one ton of uncut Juarez Cartel product is entering Miami. (翻译:几个月后 A few months later, 一吨Wario Cartel的水货运到了迈阿密 one ton of uncut Wario Cartel product is entering Miami.)

5. In Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, where I've been working, groups like the Zetas and the Sinaloa cartel are hijacking social media. (翻译:我在墨西哥的华雷斯城工作, 那里的塞塔斯暴力犯罪集团 和锡纳罗亚集团等集团, 一直社交媒体。)

6. On the first day of the conference there were eight murders across the bridge in juarez, including one beheading. (翻译:会议的第一天,在桥另一面的华雷斯城发生了8起案,其中有一起斩首案。)

7. Mr. Juarez, is this the agreement that you signed? (翻译:渥喏斯先生 这是你签的协议吗? - 是的 先生)

8. She went to Juarez to take care of an ailing aunt, and in the course of it, she began to discover what was happening to the murdered and disappeared women of Juarez. (翻译:她去华雷斯照顾生病的阿姨,在此期间 她逐渐发现有女性在华雷斯 被或失踪。)

9. - Now, Mr. Juarez... you're here as a witness as part of a plea-bargain agreement with the government, correct? (翻译:你现在作为污点证人为指正这些人 对吗?)

10. It has taken me to Juarez, Mexico, where I was a week ago, where I have literally been there in parking lots, where bones of women have washed up and been dumped next to Coca-Cola bottles. (翻译:我的旅程延续到了墨西哥的华雷斯,一周前, 我在那里的停车场亲眼看见 有女性的骨头像垃圾一样被扔在那里, 就在汽水瓶旁边。)

11. Look, Juarez, I gotta know. Which one of us are you interested in? (翻译:听着,华蕾斯,我得弄清楚 你到底对我们两中哪个感兴趣啊?)

12. Hang on, Juarez. Hurley, we're going to the fair. Blaster, hard right. (翻译:坚持住,华蕾兹,赫尔利,我们要去了 布拉斯特,向右急转)

13. Juarez is an exception, not the Mexican norm. (翻译:对于墨西哥来说,华雷斯是一个例外。)

14. Some cities that were once the most fragile cities in the world, like Bogota in Colombia or Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, have now fallen more around the national average. (翻译:有一些城市曾经很脆弱 像哥伦比亚首都波哥大 或者是墨西哥的华雷斯成 现在已经超过世界国家平均水平 )

15. Julio Cruz flicks a header into the path of Martins. The Nigerian goes down after contact with Juarez but Farina does not give a free kick. (翻译:克鲁兹头球摆渡给马丁斯,尼日利亚人在与儒亚雷斯的对抗中摔倒,但法里纳并没有给任意球。)



