
sirs是什么意思 sirs的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-23 22:17:46作者:低调登场

sirs是什么意思 sirs的中文翻译、读音、例句

SIRS是英文词语Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(全身炎症反应综合征)的缩写,以下从以下五个方面进行说明:

1. 定义:SIRS是一种非特异性的炎症反应,通常由感染、创伤、烧伤、手术等引起,其表现为全身炎症反应,包括发热、心动过速、呼吸急促和血压下降等症状。


- SIRS is a clinical syndrome that occurs as a result of systemic activation of the inflammatory response.

- Sepsis occurs when SIRS is accompanied by evidence of infection.

2. 病因:SIRS的发生机制是由于机体抵御感染或创伤时,炎症介质被释放,并激活炎症反应,导致全身性炎症反应的发生。


- SIRS can be triggered by any severe infection or trauma, and may even occur after a major surgery.

- A surgical procedure can result in SIRS if the body's immune system mounts an excessive response.

3. 诊断:SIRS的诊断标准包括发热或低体温、呼吸急促、心动过速和白细胞计数异常等表现,需要通过检查和实验室检测来确诊。


- The diagnosis of SIRS is made when a patient has two or more of the four criteria of fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, and leukocytosis.

- The presence of elevated levels of inflammatory markers in the blood can confirm the diagnosis of SIRS.

4. 治疗:SIRS的治疗目的是控制炎症反应,促进病情的好转,通常包括抗生素治疗、液体管理、输血、维持呼吸功能和肾脏功能等支持治疗。


- Treatment of SIRS involves identifying and treating the underlying cause, as well as supportive care such as oxygen therapy, fluid resuscitation, and hemodynamic support.

- The use of corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory medications may also be considered in the treatment of SIRS.

5. 预后:SIRS与快速、适当的治疗和恰当的支持性治疗有关,预后取决于病因和严重程度。


- The prognosis of SIRS is generally good if it is identified and treated early.

- Patients with severe SIRS who do not respond to treatment may develop multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and experience higher mortality rates.


翻译:先生们;读音:srz;例句:Good morning, sirs. May I help you?(早上好,先生们。我能为您效劳吗?)




例句:Pardon my interruption. sirs. (这位先生,你不要怪我多嘴 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Pardon my interruption. sirs.)


例句:Gentlemen, sirs, returning to the issue at hand this is not the time or place for Senior Chief Bra... (长官们,回到我们手边的案子 时间地点不适合布拉谢士官长)


例句:The activation of leukocyte mediated by the cytokinesis the direct result of SIRS. (由炎性细胞因子介导的白细胞活化就是SIRS的直接结果。)


例句:If I may, good sirs, I believe the proper acknowledgment would be a toast. (翻译:容我建议 先生们 lf l may, good sirs, 我相信举杯庆祝才最合适不过 I believe the proper acknowledgement would be a toast.)


1. The activation of leukocyte mediated by the cytokinesis the direct result of SIRS. (翻译:由炎性细胞因子介导的白细胞活化就是SIRS的直接结果。)

2. If I may, good sirs, I believe the proper acknowledgment would be a toast. (翻译:容我建议 先生们 lf l may, good sirs, 我相信举杯庆祝才最合适不过 I believe the proper acknowledgement would be a toast.)

3. Or he'll freeze to death. Sirs, have a cigarette. (翻译:I beg you to play with him)

4. The incidence of SIRS is related to the hemorrhage volume, hemorrhage bre king into ventricles of brain , and blood glucose levels of AICH. (翻译:SIRS发生与脑出血患者出血量、出血是否破入脑室、血糖的高低有着密切的关系;)

5. Sirs, I beg you to play with him. (翻译:快穿上大衣 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Put on your coat quickly!)

6. Gentlemen, sirs, fellow conscriptees you have been monstrously deceived. (翻译:绅士们,先生们,战友们... ...你们都被骗了)

7. Sirs, you are hereby called to witness the anointing... of your one true lord and future king Pascal. (翻译:诸位,今日我们齐聚一堂 来为新王派斯卡的涂油仪式 进行观礼)

8. Well, great job, sirs. If you'll let us in... we'll take over from here. (翻译:那太好了先生们 如果你能让我们进来的话...)

9. Dear Sirs: Firstly thank you for your continuous supports in the past years, we wish both business snow balling in the coming years. (翻译:敬启者:首先谢谢你的连续支持数年,我们愿在即将来临的数年内继续商务关系。)

10. Sure, Sirs, I think not. (翻译:当然喽,先生们,我想你们不会。)

11. Dear Sirs, Replying to yours of the 10th inst. , we inform you that we have no special knowledge as to the credit standing of XXX Co. (翻译:第二题完成下面的回信您好,本月10来信询问XXX公司的信用状况,对此我们不太了解。)

sirs... Ah, Jesus. (翻译

13. So sirs, we had better stop and Mr Narayan will announce whether I talk tomorrow or Wednesday. (翻译:那么先生们,我们最好停下了,那拉扬先生会宣布我是明天讲还是周三讲。)

14. My good sirs, it's for women to complain, and for the Jews to wait patiently... until someone knocks at their inn. (翻译:我的兄弟们,是女人在抱怨, 而犹太人还在耐心的等待 直到某个人敲响了他们的旅馆)

15. Sirs, do not harm an old man, as you would not wantto be harmed when you are old. (翻译:而你们,请善待老人 当你们老的时候你们也不想变成他现在的样子)



