
泪如雨下用英语怎么说 泪如雨下英语翻译

更新时间:2023-10-14 19:17:56作者:情锁

泪如雨下英语可以这样说:banquet of bne,还网络中常译为" cry one's eyes out",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到38个与泪如雨下相关短语翻译和用法。

Her tears fell like rain that day ( 那天她泪如雨下 )

泪如雨下用英语怎么说 泪如雨下英语翻译

1. His face was ashen and wet with sweat.

2. You and i are like rain-pofing on a wooden deck.

3. i've been doing some digging nd on the fake companies De La Cruz has been giving money to.

4. Zeus gets to his feet, but Kenton has Atom on him again, landing punch after punch!

译文:宙斯已经快站不住了 但是肯顿及... ...Atom没有放过他 拳如雨下。

5. When her mother looks at her, Tingting suddenly bsts into tears.

译文:外科医生在挥汗如雨高温中, 在苍蝇烦扰下 实施大手术。

6. Sles lled up Persping bw

7. New restaants are appeang all over the place.

8. instead , it flows where there's the least resistance , like rain running down a hill in vulets .

9. i still felt unse if i would be able to without breaking down into tears.

10. The rain was warm and soaked the cwd

11. i gup the phone on the phone he nr knew i was crying phone

12. [Explosion] [music]Ain't that a shame [music] [music] You're the one to blame [music] [Chuckling] Yeah.

