
易课用英语怎么说 易课的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-10-14 15:12:56作者:泪滴成冰

易课英语是"dll lesson",还网络中常译为"intductory class",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到83个与易课相关翻译和例句。

1. general summary class(概括课;总结课)

2. general knowledge cose(普通课,常识课)

易课用英语怎么说 易课的英语翻译

2. And i'm putting them to good use!

4. Children are to be deceived with comfits and man with oaths.

5. -My mom and dad nr took a parenting class.

6. Open to cense or ctici; assailable.

7. That time has passed. it's over.

8. The plate's universality iseasy for all to understand and the message is made easy to remember, " shesaid.

9. Are there music and handwork lessons?

10. SomedayLouisa Louisa will be

11. We have cerami and photography and comr imaging.

12. Where are Mr. And Mrs. Yee?

13. What are you doing Louise?

14. Then, yo tongue will become paralyzed.

15. Mr. Yee. Look how sweet Yee Tai Tai is with you.

